The battle over the work of 45,000 points left after Picasso's death
Painter'sPablo PicassoIn 1973, when I was 91 years passed away this world. Picasso's works left in this world include 1885 paintings, 1228 sculptures, 7089 drawings, 70 thousand prints, 150 sketch books, 3222 pottery works, and how many that 45 000 points I will go up. It is Picasso, who gave his name as a great artist, but there are at least nine wives / mistresses, two of whom are famous for suicide after the death of Picasso. What kind of way is the work as an enormous "heritage property" that occurred after the death of Picasso who had four children and later grandchildren in later years, together with the life of heirsVanity FairIt is continuing.
The Battle for Picasso's Multi-Billion-Dollar Empire | Vanity Fair
Briefly explaining the life of Picasso, in 1918 he married Olga Kokulova from a noble family at the age of 20 and moved to Paris. Then, in 1921, his son Paul was born.

In 1932 he began a shared life with the 17-year old Marie Thereses, and he knew he had to pass half of his property, trying to break up with Olga. Continually secretary with Marie Therese while married, Maya daughter is born in 1935.
In 1943 I met a 21-year-old painter student Françoise Jiro and started a joint life from 1946. Between his two sons Claude and his daughter Paroma are born, Jiro is the only wife and mistress to rebel against Picasso, marry another man. After that, Jiro is active as a painter.

Although an artist often tends to have an image of "poor", Picasso possessed a tremendous wealth. As former representative Mark S. blonde of the auction house Sotheby's France said, "If he was alive, he would have been one of the richest people in the world," after the death of Picasso, a valuable Not only works but also cash worth around 4.5 million dollars (about 500 million yen) and worth of 1.3 million dollars (about 145 million yen) were left to the heirs.
Claude Picasso, the son of Picasso and Francoise Jiro, currently manages Picasso's heritage. Claude founded Picasso's asset management group based in Paris, managed Picasso's work, exhibition management, license management, etc. At the same time, he illegally uses the names of counterfeit goods, imitations, Picasso We always monitor people and others.
Picasso's son Paulo from the left, Claude Picasso's grandson, Mr. Claude's mother, Picasso's lover, Françoise Jiro, Picasso's granddaughter Paloma, Picasso, Picasso's daughter Maya.

Paroma, Picasso to draw a picture with Paul.

In 2015, exhibitions of Picasso works were held at 34 locations throughout the world. To the exhibition of art works, goods sale related to the work is always done. Picasso is no exception, carpet, handbags, pillows etc. were made after the work, but they are all manufactured and sold under a valid license. Picasso's asset management group is mainly managed by these earnings.

Another revenue source of Picasso's asset management organization is "Pursuit rightWhat arises from. The pursuit right is a royalty based on the right that the author survives, or when 70 years have not passed since the death, the work can be received a part of the sales once the work is resold at auction or gallery.
With these two sources of income, Picasso's asset management group is said to generate annual revenue of $ 8 million (about 900 million yen).
It is a management organization operated by a lot of funds, being criticized by artists concerned about the lack of advisory committee, the response is slow, the absence of publication schedule of Picasso's catalog of catalogs etc. Also. Some dealers say "There is no research team even though it is the world's greatest artist."
Also, in 1998, "Sietron · Deal" was announced that "Picasso" can be given to what was created by modern technology, and the management group named "Picasso" to the car When asking for permission, Jean Claire of Picasso Museum director of Paris seems to be mad at the act of "Picasso's name to sell a car." A photographer who was a friend of PicassoHenri Cartier BressonSan also sent a letter condemning Claude "It is betrayal against Picasso."
There was also opposition in Sietron · Deal within the bereaved family. For Olga Koklova and Picasso's son Paul's eldest daughter, Picasso's granddaughter Marina Picasso said that Picasso is "a genius he is now being ingested." Marina put out 1000 works, which are heritage of Picasso, for sale, and that he plans to purchase miscellaneous goods such as clothes and dishes to support the charity with that money.
A woman in the photo is Mr. Marina. The portrait on the right is a drawing of Olga.

In 2012, the management organization announced that it will implement a new procedure to certify that it is Picasso's work. The announcement is Claude, the youngest child of Francoise Jiro and PicassoPalomaMr. Marina, Mr. Bernardo, the grandson of Picasso 's grandchild, but it is stated that Mr. Claude suggested a sign to certify the work. Maya who is the daughter of Mary · Thereses also belongs to the management group, but the announcement had no signature of Maya. The media requested Maya for comment, but he said that there was no comment from Maya.

To the officials Maya says "I am almost dead," rumors say that it also flowed, but in reality, Maya is not involved in the approval process, but his brother Claude and They are attending meetings with the nephew Bernardo and supporting events, the official says. However, another official said Claude and Maya are "in a tense relationship" and it is not clear what is going on inside the family.
It is difficult to see exactly what Picasso's asset management group with many criticisms is doing but from a story of Maya you will see a part of the content. At the end of the 1930s Picasso was designated as a "decadent artist" from the Nazi party, but still Picasso continued to paint in the studio in Paris.Liberation of ParisTwo weeks after, the Maya who was a child visited Picasso's studio and invited Picasso to "draw a picture together." The two drew a lot of pictures, and in the studio Picasso 's picture and Maya' s picture were alternately arranged. At that time, the colonel of the American army came to the studio to meet Picasso, stopped eyeing the picture just drawn after talking with Picasso a while. Colonel asked "Can I take a picture?" Picasso acknowledged it. A couple of weeks later, the painting that Picasso and Maya drew in the American newspaper with two people was said to have been published as "[Exclusive photograph] Picasso's painting for the first time after the liberation of Paris". According to Maya, one of the things the management organization is doing is to correct this kind of mistakes one by one.

Also, Claudia Andrew, a representative of the legal department of the management group, said, "Everything about management organizations is complicated, and organizations have many problems, such as works, rights, approval, not to drop Picasso's reputation It is holding a fighting machine to hold Picasso, so to speak, so to speak. " According to Andrew, organizations said they have copyrights and licensing agents in 20 countries around the world. Picasso's counterfeit and imitations are so many, and there are also a lot of voices calling for approval of the work. Approximately 500 works from countries all over the world were sent to the management organization in 2015 in search of approval. None of them have been exhibited, there is no record, it is a work that is not known to anyone.
According to a lawyer of the management group, in recent years the value of Picasso's work has risen eel, the fake production is rapidly increasing in proportion to it, and theft is also occurring. Annual reports submitted in one year were 300 pages, 100 pages were text, the remaining 200 pages were litigation documents.
The amount of money moving because of the high value of Picasso's work is enormous, and it is also a source of headache that the problem becomes bigger with regard to trading. Mr. Gagosian who purchased Picasso's sculpture from Maya by Maya in May 2015 tried to sell sculpture to the collector, in fact, in May 2014 she and Ray Earl Searney The sculpture sales contract of the scientist was found to have been connected by 42 million dollars (about 4.7 billion yen). Between Maya and Sirney, a deposit of 6.5 million dollars (about 730 million yen) was paid as a deposit, but the daughter Diana who was asked by Maya before the final purchase was done That sells sculpture to Mr. Gagoshian. Diana thought that the sales contract was invalid, and it seems that it was planned to return about the deposit, but this case has evolved into a lawsuit.

Managing groups and heirs who are subject to numerous criticisms, but in reality, the problem is not beginning now. When Picasso died in 1973, heirs are said to have met 60 times. And after the discussion "It is impossible for them to share themselves", and more than 50 people, such as lawyers, appraisers, inventories editors, government officials, French president etc, separated the property is. Since government officials and French President accepted paying inheritance tax with works, 203 paintings, 158 sculptures, 88 works of pottery, 8800 works of pottery, 1,500 drawings, 1,600 prints and 33 sketchbooks were paid to the French government It was done.
Regarding the works that Picasso left behind, if there are people currently establishing and maintaining a management group like Mr. Claude, people who sell away like marinas and donate to charity or donate to the Picasso Museum in Paris People who do. Since pursuit right disappears in 70 years after the author's death, one of income sources of the management group disappears in 2043, but Mr. Claude does not disclose the plan after that. On the other hand, even if the pursuit right disappears, it seems that there is no big influence on the operation of the group as to the increase in the value of current Picasso works and the increase in counterfeit works.
About Picasso's anecdote, Picasso's friend and biographer Pierre Dex talks about a unique episode. Picasso was told that he wanted to buy a picture for a fat man while walking on the beach in Cannes, he said he refused "go away". The guy continued calling Picasso for four days without giving up and every time Picasso shook hands shaking his hands, but on the fifth day Picasso told the man, "Do you really want a picture?" When asked, he said that when the man affirmed, he borrowed a lipstick from a woman lying on the beach and drew a picture on a big stomach of a man.
Despite the fact that numerous battles have been fought over the work after death, Mr. Dex talks about the episode about Picasso and said that "Picasso may be pleased with this situation."

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