The flow to a fully automated restaurant where there are no bytes or employees is "the cause of the government" and the CEO of the fast food store insists
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There are few store clerks in America,Fast food restaurant "Eatsa" where custers are offered from small window of automatic ordering by visitors to iPadHas appeared, but the CEO of a certain fast-food chain store has made such a change in the era "It is what the government's policy invited"I claim it.
Carl's Jr. wants to open automated location - Business Insider
More than 1000 hamburgers shops across the country,Carl's Jr.(Carls · Junior) and also expanded to 2000 store scaleHardee'sAndrew Pazda, CEO of the parent company "CKE Restaurants" which manages the company (Hardy's), visited the fast food restaurant "Eatsa" which became famous as "a restaurant not meeting anyone" I watched the situation.
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In the visit, Mr. Psudda seems to have caught a glimpse of the future way of the American fast food shop with a problem. "We want to introduce it even at our company," Mr. Pazda said, "I ordered all food made of natural materials with a terminal like a Eatsa, pay with a credit card, so that we can receive the goods without having to face anyone It is possible for our company to issue shops, "he says, and he talks about motivation for a" robot restaurant "different from conventional stores.
In the background that Mr. Pazda is interested in unattended stores, there is a situation that the minimum wage of workers continues to rise nationwide. In each province of the United States in 2015,The minimum wage per hour will be raised to 15 dollars (about 1700 yen)Although it is said that this movement is said to lead to an increase in income for people who are suffering from poverty, there is a situation that not only will employment costs increase for shops but employment itself becomes difficult As a result, we are showing something of a social problem. Mr. Pazda touched on this situation and said, "By raising labor costs by the government, the number of jobs will decrease, the flow of automation will happen not only at airports and supermarkets, but also in restaurants" I am talking.
ByClotee Allochuku
Mr. Pazda is a person who is uncovering a position opposing the surging minimum wage and has said that "wage rises bring about a decrease in employment"Opedo(Opposite opinions article) twice,Wall Street JournalI am contributing to. "This is a matter related to presidential candidates Barney Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and progressiveists who are trying to power wage rises strongly, if a person's hourly wage increases by 3 dollars If another person loses his job by doing that, is it really useful? "
And that such policy is accelerating the shift of the fast food shop industry, including Carls Jr. and others, to automation. Regarding the correlation, Mr. Pazda said, "As the cost of human employees increases, the cost of robot employees falls, which is not an issue such as 'cutting-edge science', it's a simple story." I will.
ByUnitarian Universalist Service Committee
Nonetheless, there is also a reality that it is not so easy to automate by robot instead of human beings. Even Mr. Pazda who is interested in automation thinks that it is still ahead of time for robots to replace subtle cooking work done in the kitchens of Karls Junior and Hardy's of the series. However, on the other hand, we think that computers are better at grilling putty and taking orders than on humans, "Robots are always courteous and encourage users to use higher items. We will not have any holidays or late arrivals, we will not have problems such as injury, age, gender, or racial discrimination, "he talks about the difference with humans.
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Even more interesting is another benefit of adopting such an automated store. Especially young people of generations called "Millennial" born after the year 2000 are accustomed to handling such technologies, rather they tend to avoid relationships with people, so who is more likely to be a shop clerk in the store It is regarded as preferring a way to complete receipt from an order without speaking. Mr. Pazda said, "The Millennial generation prefers to not meet people. In fact, in addition to traditional face-to-face counters, looking at our stores that introduced automatic ordering machines, Despite the fact that no one is in line with the face-to-face type, the automatic type order machine sometimes forms a row, "and said that such types of shops can be popularized in the future I was talking about sex.
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