I ate "Pizzera Club House" to eat "late after" raw avocado in pizza

From the pizzera we used a sandwich club house sand as a motifPizzera Club House"And topped with French camembert cheese and four kinds of ham"Camembert Deluxe"Appeared for a limited time. Pizzera clubhouse was a pizza that toppings of raw ingredients of raw avocado by myself with 8 types of ingredients on top and it was anxious, so we tried eating together with camembert deluxe .

Camembert Deluxe | Pizza | Menu | Delivery Pizza Pizza | PIZZA-LA

Pizza Club House | Pizza | Menu | Delivery Pizza Pizza | PIZZA-LA

Two kinds of pizza arrived in about 30 minutes from telephone order.

First of all, I will eat from Pizzera Club House.

Pizzera Club House is a pizza with Onion · Sliced ​​Tomato · Smoked Bacon · Spicy Set · Egg-baked Egg · Roasted Chicken.

You can see sliced ​​tomatoes, roast chicken, thin baked eggs are topped from the top.

The avocado that is divided is becoming mayonnaise ... ...

I will "linger out" on my own pizza.

Green avocados, red sliced ​​tomatoes and yellow baked eggs are colorful.

Taking a piece and crushing it, the tomatoes overflowing with fruit juice finish the heavy flavor of cheese and thin-baked eggs as a light feeling. It is well-balanced between the melting texture of avocado and the faint acidity of tomatoes and deliciousness.

Tomato, roast chicken, thin baked egg folded over the cross section. It is a dish for a person who wants to eat pizza in the light rather than a catch.

In addition, avocado is easy to fall as it is put, so it is better to use the dish when you eat.

Next time I will try Camembert deluxe.

Camembert Deluxe is a pizza topped with Camembert cheese from Normandy in France and four hams called Pepper Ham, Raw Ham Spicy Set, Berry Smoke Ham.

If you see ham is scattered throughout the pizza, you will feel a luxurious feeling.

French cream sauce is overflowing from the cross section.

When eating a mouth, the rich but mellow taste of camembert cheese and French cream sauce and the juicy 4 hams are the best match. Pepper ham and spicy set, which is a bit spicy, are included, but there is no pain at all. Cheese and cream sauce, combo of ham is full volume, and it seems that the stomach is considerably swollen even with just a few slices.

The cross section of the trolley and camembert cheese stimulates appetite, "Will it break a piece?"

In "Pizza Club House", size M is 2450 yen excluding tax, size L is 3700 yen, "Camembert Deluxe" has size M of 2530 yen without tax and size L of 3800 yen, both products are in July Limited time sale up to 18th.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log