It is a startling dasa of the level that I think that Rockman's package sold abroad is fake

It was released from Capcom in 1987NESFor the action game for "Rockman"is. Rockman series is getting popular not only in Japan but also overseas, but the title of overseas version is "MEGA MAN"And the illustration of the level which thinks that" Who's that? "Is also adopted somehow also for the package illustration.

Of such MEGA MAN series,Nintendo Entertainment SystemA movie that summarizes the package of what was released in "AVGN: Bad Game Cover Art # 2 - Mega Man (NES)"is.

AVGN: Bad Game Cover Art # 2 - Mega Man (NES) - YouTube

This is the first "MEGA MAN" package. "This is an artwork that expresses a kind of artist's nightmare," it is the website's website that reviews movie and game reviews of package design with a unique phrase "Cinemassacre"ofJames RolfeMr.

In a row, Mr. Rolfe commented that "Art using colored pencils sold at a dollar shop" and "Feeling the fear of early adolescence".

In the magazine "Nintendo Power" I heard that the package design was recruited from children, but it seems that the design was selected by someone who did not win because it was not the design that took wholly award.

Tropical-style tropical trees and exploding town.

Illustration up.

Looking at the package illustration as a whole.

It seems that MEGA MAN has worn a costume that is incredibly wrinkle whatever it is rather oversize.

"MEGA MAN in the center of the package seems to be dancing" and Rolfe who dances out imitating the posing of MEGA MAN.

As Mr. Rolfe says "MEGA MAN feels tired and painful expression," its expression is very dark opposite to costumes.

Up your face. It is a completely old man.

And I have guns in my hands why.

Speaking of Rockman, it is an action game that kicks enemies with an arm lockbuster, but has not anyone involved in cover design played MEGA MAN?

Subsequently this is a package of "MEGA MAN 2". Package design is closer to the character in game than first generation, "Rolfe evaluated," I hired a better artist. "

However, despite being only looking like a rock man, I still have guns in his hands.

Also, I have twisted my right leg and it seems painful.

Although I can see a person who seems to be Dr. Light, in the background ... ....

This is a package of "MEGA MAN 2" sold in Europe.

Evaluating points evolved from a gun to a lockbuster while criticizing Rockbuster as "a pin of a bowling floating in the air."

Next is the package of "MEGA MAN 3". It looked like a rock man in a stroke, that uncle had gone away and it had disappeared.

However, Rolfe pointed out, "Attacking robot's crotch and Rockman laughing."

Certainly it is not invisible.

And this is the package of "MEGA MAN 4".

Leave it out, it looks like a rock man completely.

And I think "MEGA MAN 9" .... The last thing came out is a fake package packaged by Cinemassacre. However, if you look at the package design of the original MEGA MAN and 2, it seems that it really is not surprising that things of such packages are on sale.

in Video,   Game,   Design,   Art, Posted by logu_ii