'Weekend sleep' has a thicker waist and higher BMI

Since it is known that 'the Japanese are the least sleeping in the world ' , many people may have survived weekdays with the desire to 'sleep soundly on the weekend after work'. .. The difference in sleep time between work days and holidays is called ' social jet lag ', but research results show that people with social jet lag habits tend to get fat. It was announced.
Social Jetlag, Chronotype, and Cardiometabolic Risk: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism: Vol 100, No 12
Sleeping in on weekends linked to health problems | Ars Technica
According to a study published by Patricia Wong and colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh, living different sleep times on weekdays and weekends during the week is associated with health problems related to metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and high BMI. It is said that it is related. Research results, on the other hand, show that regular sleep can improve long-term health problems such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Previously, another study pointed out that 'sleep disorders' cause similar health problems, but this is the first study to show that 'sleeping' affects similar problems.
The research team gathered 447 healthy middle-aged men and women and investigated their diet, health status, sleep time, etc. over a 7-day period. Sleep time was accurately measured with a health tracking device called Actiwatch 2 from Philips, equipped with an accelerometer and light sensor. All participants were managed on a schedule of one or more days off, including holidays and the eve of the holidays, to investigate how social jet lag could affect their health.
As a result of the survey, about 85% of the participants had different sleep schedules on 'work days' and 'holidays', and only about 15% of the participants woke up earlier than the work days on holidays. About 85% of the participants slept 44 minutes longer on average on holidays, and some said they slept 2-3 hours more on holidays. 'Some participants seemed to be trying to make up for a week's sleep deprivation on weekends,' the researchers said.

By Vic
Analyzing the data collected in the 7-day survey, people with a large difference in sleep time between work days and holidays, such as 'sleeping', tend to have more fat in their blood and higher insulin resistance. It is known that the waist circumference was large, the BMI value was high, and the good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) was low.
These factors are also related to physical activity, calorie intake, alcohol intake, etc., but researchers said, 'Changing the sleep cycle every week will upset your body clock. As a result, The circadian rhythm and metabolic rhythm may be disrupted, and the body may become fat-prone. '
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in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log