"Star Wars / Force's Awakening" The latest trailer released, the world's fastest-banned movie made for Japan

It is the latest work of Star Wars which is going to be released on December 18, 2015, and it is the first work to commemorate the new trilogy "Star Wars / Force's Awakens"The latest trailer of the song was released. The latest trailer was said that it was produced for the Japanese Star Wars fans, and the event being held at Tokyo Disney Resort "D23 Expo Japan 2015"The fastest surprise in the world was released.

"Star Wars / Awakening of the Force" Trailer 2 - YouTube

Someone is standing next to a big spaceship reminiscent of Star Destroyer.

"Who are you?"

"It is not anyone"

...... It is the heroine 's ra.

It seems like I saw the sunset scene sunk ... ....

"Where are you from?"

"I am waiting." Who the heck is he waiting for?

Ray and the new droid BB - 8, and encounter of the firing escapist of Stormtrooper.

Before the BB - 8 looked up ......

There are countless TIE fighters headed for us.

Stormtrooper burns everything.

It is Cairo Len who leads the stormtrooper.

"Wake up"

"This is my destiny"

Cairo Ren who speaks to "inherit yourself" looks at the mask of the dead Darth Vader now.

Cairo Ren manipulates cross-shaped light saver.

Bissary with a cross saw light.

"The world is inherited now"

Is it Rey to inherit? Or is it a fin?

It is Millennium Falcon who chases the TIE fighter.

"Name is?"

"It's fin"

"I am Ray"

An X wing that fly over the expanse at a tremendous speed.

Stormtrooper does not loosen the hand of attack.

There is a big explosion on the side where BB - 8 looks.

"I heard a lot of rumors"

Is it Reia reflected on the screen right?

And C - 3PO appears for just a moment but it appeared.

The fight with the fate of the galaxy begins.



It is Han solo to talk to Finn, "All is true."

Very powerful air combat.

Is it Rei to inherit the Force?

Or is it a fin that manipulates the lightsaber? The mystery is deepening.

Chewbacca clicks a button and ......

Large explosion!

Cairo Len's cross light saber is on the neck of Rei.

A huge group of TIE fighters who attacks swiftly.

Pau - Dameron to be intercepted.

"Hope is not lost"

"I was born."

"Star Wars / Awakening of the Force"

It is open all over the country at 18:30 on December 18, 2015.

in Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log