A movie taken 360 degrees from the cockpit for formation flight of old and new fighter planes "P-51" and "F-22" can be viewed on YouTube

YouTubeSupport uploading 360-degree camera videoIt gradually began to be able to enjoy all the celestial movie from doing. Speaking of scenes that can make full use of omnidirectional vision is an airplane flying in the sky, which is a fighter aircraft that requires high visibility among them (?), But a fighter aircraft that was designed 70 years ago "P-51 Mustang"The latest fighter aircraft of the 21st century"F-22 Raptor"360 degree movies containing scenes that flies side by side in the air have been released, so that you can experience the state of the two aircraft flying as close as possible.

Heritage Flight Museum - # 360 Video - P - 51 & amp; F - 22 - YouTube

P-51 Mustang, a fighter of the former years flying with the echoing sound of old-fashioned reciprocating engine "Burulu". Since this YouTube movie can see 360 ​​degree video, moving the view point to the right obliquely rear of the aircraft ... ...

There is a figure of a stealth fighter · F - 22 Raptor. The P-51 is a fighter in the 1940's and the F-22 Raptor is a 2000 fighter, and two age difference age 60 age flight flight.

Two machines that fly closely together with the sunset backing. Flying technique is required because banking the aircraft and forming flight while turning right.

After a while, when the F - 22 Raptor does, it moves to the left wing side of P - 51 Mustang. Of course, it is interesting that you can follow the aircraft by moving the viewpoint of YouTube movie by yourself.

Keeping the formation, low pass (low altitude flight) above the runway. It can be said that the air force pilot's arm shows it. P-51 Mustang is a reciprocating engine machine and F-22 Raptor is a twin-jet jet, so the speed range you are good at will be different at all, so the pilot of the F-22 Raptor should be expected to have high piloting skills.

As you move the viewpoint of the movie into the cockpit, you will see the control stick mounted on the backseat. Since the movement operated by the pilot in the front seat is transmitted as it is, it seems to be able to enjoy even just watching the movement of the control stick and the movement of the aircraft all the while.

In addition, since the P-51 Mustang originally is a single-seat machine riding on one person, there should be no rear seats. That being said, this aircraft is considered to be a training machine made for two-person boarding based on P-51D. Among the series, the P-51D type which is said to be the "decision version" is a type in which the canopy covering the cockpit is called "bubble canopy", and there is nothing that blocks visibility over the entire circumference, giving the pilot outstanding visibility We are making it possible. Thanks to that, you can enjoy outstanding visibility in this movie as well.


Angle where the aircraft form of F-22 Raptor shines beautifully

Suddenly the P-51 Mustang swirls to the left and the F-22 Raptor swirls to the right so that it fits to it. It was a scene of formation flight to the left and right that sometimes seems to be seen in air show etc.

Entering a single flight,Barrel rollP - 51 Mustang to flip the aircraft at. It was truly a name machine of a fighter aircraft, showing a light movement while being a design of 70 years ago.

Formation flight with this old and new fighter plane is carried out in "Heritage · Flight" where the old and new fighter held by the US Air Force fly together. It seems to be proud of high popularity as one of the air show programs held in various parts of the country and Canada.

Air Force Heritage Flight Foundation

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log