A movie that accidentally captured the whole story until the big Boeing freighter just crashed and the explosion flames up

A movie that was filming a crash accident in Afghanistan that occurred on April 29 from a considerably short distance has been released on YouTube. In this accidentNational AirlinesSeven passengers have died.

Bagram airfield crash 29 apr 2013 - YouTube

I told that I took a picture of the people. The car is headed for Bagram Air Base in the vicinity of Kabul, and you can see National Airlines' Boeing 747 - 400 aircraft that just took off on your right. The time stamp of the movie is "2013/02/01", which seems to be a misconfiguration of the camera, and the picture is of the accident occurred on April 29th.

The aircraft is inclined slightly like a left turn

I think that it went straight back ...

The nose heads to the opposite side at once. There is a feeling that it is stalling slowly.

Mobile that seems not to be seen in large aircraft

And, while maintaining considerable speed, it crashed from the nose to the ground

A big blast flashes, the photographer rushed up to nearby.

According to CNNThe Taliban is issuing a criminal statementThat's right, but it does not reflect the appearance of being under attack.

In the comment field of the animation, it is pointed out that the engine trouble did not occur, that the cargo was unfastened during fixation and moved to the rear and crashed due to loss of balance.

in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by logc_nt