"ALOHA NALU" which female surfer photographed from the sky with drone how to decide ride dramatically

"Surfing" on the waves that the ocean creates has been said to have attracted people from over 1500 years ago, and it is a sport that you can touch with the power that nature creates. A movie that shoots the state of surfing like this from the sky using the drone and shows a state of riding in the beautiful nature as it isALOHA NALU"Has been released.

ALOHA NALU in Unreasonable on Vimeo

Professional surfer Maria Manuel who says something with both hands. She is about to shoot surfing using a drone from now.

Drone jumps and begins to chase Maria. With a balcony's surfboard ...

Loading in a car.

And where Maria ran the car ... ...

Parking at the beach.

Go from the parking to the beach at once. It seems like I can not help it as soon as possible to get on the wave.

Then we jump into the waves, paddle and go out to the ocean. An emotional moment in the crystal clear waters of emerald colors.

Maria is ready and takes off the wave and takes off. The spectacle of the sea is also superb, but Mary 's skill is also pretty. Play with the waves with a light body story.

The moment of deciding aerial as well. Although the image is full of wonderful force and dynamism, there are parts that are not easily transmitted in the image, so you can fully appreciate the charm of watching a movie.

Cut that symbolizes surfing to play with waves.

If you can ride this much, it will be fun ....

Maria who finished the ride and returned to the beach.

And wait for the drone coming down ......

One shot of a wink with a grueling. Anyway the sea and surfing, and the movie full of charm of Mr. Maria was.

This movie was taken by French film creator Stephen Brian at the West Coast in Australia. A movie created for "UNREASONABLE FILM FESTIVAL" sponsored by Surf / Snow brand "O'Neill", the keyword "UNREASONABLE (without reasons)" listed by the company is expressed.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log