"Stuff in Space" that you can use WebGL to see what is on the satellite orbits of the earth in 3D from the browser

Tracking the trajectory of the artifacts floating in the universe, three-dimensionalize with WebGL, move around the 3D map and realize how the universe is overflowing with objectsStuff in Space"is.

Stuff in Space

The top page looks like the following. There are many red, blue and gray points around the earth.

For example, when placing the cursor on a blue dot, "DELTA 2 R / B (2) (PAM-D)"Is displayed. Clicking ......

Detailed information was displayed. The blue dot indicates "ROCKET BODY (rocket aircraft)", the distance point is 17,582 km, the perigee is 281 km, the inclination angle is 39.48 degrees, the current altitude is 17,774.49 km, the speed is 2.77 km / s, the speed is 2.77 km / s, the revolution cycle It is 313.98 minutes.

Next time I click on the red dot ......

"GLOBALSTAR MO 41"Was displayed. The red dot indicates a satellite, and its type is "PAYLOAD (payload) "It is written. The distance point is 1706 km, the near point is 1702 km, the inclination angle is 52 degrees, the current altitude is 1699.77 km, the speed is 7.03 km / s, and the revolution period is 120.35 minutes. DELTA 2 R / B (2) (PAM - D), so the earth is approaching somewhat.

Turning the mouse wheel round and round can move the Earth away from or near.

When approaching, it is like this. You can move the earth in various directions by dragging and dragging.

There are many points of gray overwhelmingly over the earth than red and blue points, but this is so-calledSpace debris(Space waste). It is an artificial object circling around the earth without any particular meaning.

From "Groups" on the upper left of the screen, it is possible to display only the circle of a specific object. For example, if you click "GPS" several blue lines will appear, you can see how the GPS satellite is flying.

"Iridium (Iridium satellite)" was closer to the earth than GPS.

RussianGLONASS satellite.

Satellite positioning system built by EU ·GalileoThe number is still small.

When saying what artifacts are circling to cover the earth,2009 Satellite collision accidentSpace debris from Iridium No. 33 in America and Cosmos 2251 in Russia.

ArianeThe orbit of the satellite launched by is like this.

Please note that the website does not display well as confirmed by iPhone 5c / 6/6 Plus (Safari · Chrome), but it was displayed without problem with Xperia Z3 · Nexus 6.

Stuff in Space is a service created by James Yoder, a student at the University of Texas at Austin. The data of the orbit of the artifact isSpace - Track.OrgThe website code is derived fromIt is published on GitHub.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log