Developers apologize for incident that Google Photos recognized blacks as gorillas

Google's new photo app released on May 29 "Google Photos"There is a function that artificial intelligence automatically tags the uploaded photograph, but there is an" incident "tagged with a tag" gorilla "against the photographs of two black people.

Google says sorry for racist auto-tag in photo app | Technology | The Guardian

It was the beginning of the thing that Tweet Jacky Alciné made. The picture is uploaded with a message saying "Google Photos is the worst, my friends are not gorillas." Tall skyscrapers, airplanes, cars, etc. are recognized correctly, but Alciné and friends in the middle of the lower row were recognized as "gorillas".

Furthermore, even if Alciné searches for "gorilla" in Google Photos, because two photos are searched, it seems that he was distrusted that "What kind of photos are Google collecting data from?" .

Alciné is immediately the chief architect of Google's social divisionYonatan ZungerContact. Zunger apologized and corresponded to "Thank you for reporting a bug", and by accessing your account with Alciné's permission, the bug was fixed that day.

Zunger also said that "There is such a thing like this", "Although the machine itself is not biased, unless we carefully they will" learn "racial discrimination from us easily", Alciné I am sending a message to. This is considered to be that the machine is full of discriminative information that connects blacks and gorillas to the Internet, and machines learn machine.

Currently, the tag "gorilla" has been deleted from within Google Photos, but the team is still investigating "Why human faces are not recognized correctly?" Such bugs are not the first time, according to Zunger, it seems that everyone was recognized as "dog" once regardless of race.


Our spokesperson said, "I'm really sorry that this kind of situation happened and I will respond promptly so that it will not result in similar results.Auto tagging function still has problems, I am exploring ways to prevent mistakes. "I am commenting..

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log