Complete guidebook "The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work" for work style "remote work" without a specific office

When I am accustomed to the style of going to the office by train or car every morning, I do not feel like a certain work place called "remote work" how to work like unknown. Companies developing collaboration tools between web servicesZapier"Is a complete manual of remote work based on its success and failure for people who want to incorporate remote work into work and to create remote teams from now on,The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work"Is released to the public.

The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work - Zapier

The table of contents of "The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work" is as follows.

◆ Chapter 1: How to operate a remote team
· Zapier's trajectory
· Three key to success to launch remote working
· Learning from others

◆ Chapter 2: Seven ways to set up culture in remote teams
· 1. Culture is not just made by playing with games
· 2. Culture is "how to work"
· 3. Using tools to make team work easier to take
· 4. It is important to meet and talk directly
· 5. Cooperate with local communities
· 6. You can form a team by believing
· 7. To complete the task

◆ Chapter 3: How to hire a remote team
· Define "top-notch remote workers"
· Make attractive job advertisements
· Find applicants who want to work remotely
· Hire staff working remotely
· Increase remote labor

◆ Chapter 4: Remote team helps staff evaluate
· Welcoming new teammates
· Measure the amount of output instead of input
· Think about the team with feedback
· Have them self-evaluate
· Provide lots of feedback
· Believing

◆ Column: communication within remote team

◆ Chapter 5: How to effectively end mail and communication within the team
·GitHubMake a "team" to know what everyone is doing
·TreehouseWas created to bring important news to the world
·AutomatticCreated in-house developed blog service "P2"
· Zapier is using customized version of P2
· To improve the communication within the team

◆ Chapter 6: How to establish a strong connection in a remote environment
· Connecting human relations remotely
· Rely on sentences in the correct way
· Insist on your opinion when necessary

◆ Chapter 7: How to proceed with the remote team's meeting
· Time and frequency of the meeting
· Meeting configuration
· Why meeting is useful
· Scale of the meeting

◆ Chapter 8: Five planning steps for employee travel for remote teams
· 1. Reason for going on employee trip
· 2. Places to go by employee trip
· Number of days of employee travel
· 4. What to do while traveling
· 5. Cost of employee travel
· Getting travel feedback
A conclusion

◆ Column: Working in a remote team

◆ Chapter 9: Remote office interior
· Alison Groves (Customer Support, Nashville, Tennessee)
· Brian Cooksey (Platform Engineer, Columbia, Missouri)
· Bryan Helmig (backend engineer, Sunnyvale, California)
· Christopher Peters (data scientist, Miami, Florida)
· Craig Labenz (full stack engineer,Nomad)
· Danny Schreiber (Marketing Leader, Omaha, Nebraska)
· James Carr (System Engineer, Columbia, Missouri)
· Jess Byrne (Customer Support, Cancuntown, Pennsylvania)
· Joe Stych (Content Marketing, Maine Portland)
· Justin Deal (full stack engineer, Manchester, Missouri)
· Lindsay Brand (Customer Support, Barcelona, ​​Spain)
· Matthew Guay (Marketing, Bangkok, Thailand)
· Mr. Micah Bennett (Customer Support, Palatin of Illinois)
· Mr. Mike Knoop (Product / Partner Leader, Sunnyvale, California)
· Rob Golding (full stack engineer, Nottingham, UK)
· Wade Foster (CEO, Sunnyvale, California)
· Discussion

◆ Chapter 10: How to work quickly with remote team
· Is productivity up?
· 8 ways to work quickly like a remote team
· Extract communication within the team from the inbox
· 2. Use correct tools
· 3. Change schedule every time
· 4. Remove commuting time
· 5. Cancel the meeting
· 6. Think carefully before sending mail
· 7. Create the best environment for yourself
· 8. Admit your productive power
· Disadvantages of remote work
· What is the correct reason to migrate to remote?
· Immersion

◆ Chapter 11: How to maximize productivity by looking for the optimal working environment
· How to spend the day
· Surrounding environment
· Adjust workload

◆ Chapter 12: How to work in different time zones
· Remote work advocacy opinion and merit 5
· Remote work opposition and disadvantages Six
· Remote work advocacy opinion and merit 5
· Remote work opposing opinion and coping method 6
· Make your own world

◆ Chapter 13: How to Avoid Remedial Team Fatigue
· 1. Make a routine
· 2. Maintain superiority
· Setting the limit
· 4. Take short breaks and long breaks
· 5. Take time to contact with people
· Do not burn out

◆ Chapter 14: Thanks to Remote Team
· Automattic
· GitHub
· Basecamp (original · 37 Signals)
· Treehouse
· Buffer
· Help Scout
· Groove
· Fogcreek
· Stack Exchange
Wide Teams
· WooThemes
· Popforms
· Scott Hanselman
· Steven Sinofsky
· StatusPages
· IDoneThis
· HubSpot

For example, in Chapter 1, "The Key to Three Successes to Launch Remote Working", there is a full load of know-how useful for maintaining communication with remote work. As an example of "Tools", the following services It is mentioned.

· 1.Slack
"Slack" is a service that allows group chat and file sending. It is said that Zapier plays a role of virtual office inside the company.

· 2. Async
"Async" is an in-house tool manufactured by Zapier, which has a function that blends Blog and Reddit and is a tool instead of e-mail software for important interaction that flows in Slack.

· 3.Trello
Kanban systemThe task management tool that adopted "Trello" is. Zapier says he is using it to register Trello at any time as soon as he / she thinks of doing things, manage documents of the support center, and check the progress of important tasks. It is recommended that you do not add too many cards and fill out the details of each card.

The detailed usage of Trello can be seen from the following article.

"Trello" that you can do task management with multiple people with ToDo list, memo pad, and feeling to organize cards - GIGAZINE

Since the code sharing service "GitHub" for software development has all the necessary code for project management, Zapier said that it uses GitHub when coping with bugs and implementing new functions.

·Five.LastPass Enterprise
Password management software "LastPass"LastPass Enterprise" is a tool that is indispensable for team members to use login information of hundreds of existing web services immediately.

· 6.Google Docs
Zapier is evaluating it in document tools that "Google Docs" is one of the most outstanding tools, it is an analysis tool for key metrics and an indispensable tool for sharing information / contract contents.

· 7.Hackpad
"Hackpad" is also a document sharing tool like Google Docs, but Hackpad makes it simple, it is suitable for sharing a small document inside the company. In April 2015Dropbox Acquires Hackpaddoing.

· 8.GoToMeeting
Zapier tried many video conferencing tools as a result, "GoToMeeting" was the best sound and image quality service. For a small number of callsGoogle HangoutsYaSkypeAlthough it seems to be used, if you do video conference with more than 10 people, GoToMeeting seems to be recommended.

· 9.HelloSign
When it is necessary to sign a document, Zapier uses the service "HelloSign" which can make electronic signature. It is useful because it eliminates the need to print, fill in, and scan the paper document as before.

"The Ultimate Guide to Remote Work" which summarizes the points of such remote work,Visit Zapier's pageYou can also read each content with a browser, but you can also download content and read it with a tablet or Kindle. To download, enter the mail address in "Your email ..." at the bottom of the page and click "Subscribe + Get a Free EBook".

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