What are the advantages of creating a story through collaboration between multiple people?

How to Write a Novel with Three of Your Friends ‹ Literary Hub

SE Boyd released his maiden work “ The Lemon ” on November 8, 2023. When writing ``The Lemon,'' writing the story as a team required countless text messages and phone calls, with organized structures and chaotic developments, speedy progress and thoughtful pauses. SE Boyd says it was a combination of competitive spirit and collaborative spirit that made it so successful. SE Boyd outlines what has been the key to his success in co-authoring and the major benefits of co-authoring.
First of all, it seems that the key to success was to be ``always available to respond.'' Even when our lifestyles and time zones were a little different, I needed to be able to respond immediately when someone asked me a question or made a suggestion, so I could keep the momentum of my ideas moving forward. thing.
Also, when co-writing, it is important to clearly divide who will write what. The three members of SE Boyd met every Friday to discuss the work to be done the following week. “Just as the head of production assigns episodes to each writer in a television production setting, the three of us were assigned chapters, and we worked with a clear division of roles,” explains SE Boyd. . At the end of the week, we all go through everyone's manuscripts, edit, revise, ask questions, suggest ideas, add references, go on silly digressions, clean up the chapters, and create assignments for the next chapter. Masu.

Another important point is to 'constantly communicate, even over trivial matters.' Ideas are generated through constant interaction, such as sending text messages unrelated to the story, sharing jokes, pitching ideas that come to mind, and sharing articles that interest you. Additionally, by creating an environment where everyone was constantly discovering ideas through interaction, it also helped establish consistency and tone throughout the novel, even though it was co-authored by several people.
In addition to the advantage of discovering ideas through conversation, SE Boyd says that ``externalizing distress'' during conversation is also an important process. It's quite painful to try out ideas on your own, choose depictions you're unsure of, and wonder if there's something better, but since you can't talk about the details of the work in progress, it's hard to vent on social media etc. can be quite embarrassingly abstract. However, when you are constantly communicating as a collaborative writing team, difficult concerns and questions can be alleviated through conversation and easily resolved by receiving different ideas and making decisions together. It will be.
Similarly, co-writing can ease the emotional burden on individuals. The frustration of not being able to develop the story as expected is not something you should bear alone; it becomes a problem that you must share with your team to solve. Also, there is always a collaborator who is working hard with me, and even if I am stuck, the other members can move forward with the chapter and receive inspiration from that, which is a great motivator. Furthermore, even if they receive criticism from readers, they don't seem to worry about it as much because the author is not alone in accepting it. As SE Boyd puts it, 'Co-writing with a partner is the best antidote to

SE Boyd concludes by saying, ``There is an ingrained idea that writing a novel is a lonely, painful, and difficult process.It is an old idea that good things can come out of trouble and suffering, but that writing a novel is a process that can be enjoyed and loved through collaboration.'' 'You can create something of value while being overflowing with ideas,' he says of the benefits of co-writing. But on the other hand, he says, ``If you fail to co-write, not only will you not finish your novel, you will also lose your friends along with your dreams.''
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