Six actions that the great men who kept their name in history

ByTaran Rampersad

People called great men and geniuses that appear in school textbooks from the accomplishments left behind did not accumulate careers overnight, but spared no effort for the results. The shadow of a wonderful work as much as handed down to the afterlife is a unique ingenuity for the great men to bring out the results. A book that summarizes the ingenuity that the great men practiced everyday to give results at work and the way to increase work efficiencyDaily Rituals: How Artists Work"From among,Harvard Business ReviewHas carefully selected 6 and released it.

The Daily Routines of Geniuses - Sarah Green - Harvard Business Review

◆ 1: Securing a work space excluding things that will interfere with work

ByIvan Lian

British novelistJane AustenI kept it in the state that it gave a sound without putting oil on the hinge of the door so that I could see it as soon as someone entered my working room. American writerWilliam FaulknerEven as we removed the doorknob in the work room and always carried around, it was said that nobody put it in. Also of a writerGraham GreenIn order to have a work room only for himself, he said he borrowed another room near his home.

◆ 2: Walk

ByAJ Batac

British authorDickensHe took a walk for three hours every afternoon. Composer'sTchaikovskyYaBeethovenHe also said that going for a walk every day at a fixed time was a daily routine, and he summarized the melody that came up while walking.

◆ 3: Efforts to increase work efficiency

ByMC Quinn

It was a novelist and a poetHemingwayWhat I practiced everyday is to count the number of letters of the manuscript I write everyday and tabulate the work rate per hour. American psychologistBallas SkinnerWas managed with a timer that set the working time and spared no efforts to increase the working efficiency by graphing the working time and the number of characters of the manuscript.

◆ 4: Tightly distinguish between important work and busy work

ByKirsty Andrews

Currently I will almost finish the communication matter with e-mail, but when I was not present there was a letter. As in modern people, old people seem to have been deprived of tremendous working time in replying letters. Many great men worked their original work in the morning, written reply of a letter from the afternoon, etc., and completely divided the work time of the two work.

◆ 5: Moderate rest


As Hemingway said, "When you come across the mind of writing what you write next time, stop talking about writing for the time being, think about it until the next day, repeat this every day" or say that psychologistsJung"I understand that it is stupid for people who continue to work despite being tired and needing a break," the great men put emphasis on resting. On the contrary,MozartHe got up at 6 am and was doing various work such as music lessons and concerts and going to bed was a superman who spends everyday called 1 am.

◆ 6: to eliminate sociality

BySteven Andrew

philosopherSartreHe was a wife and he was also a philosopherBeauvoirHe is living a life that severed the connection with society, "That's why she was able to concentrate on work," one of the lovers said. French writer Marcel Proust also declared in 1910 that "I separate myself from society", and there is a fact that I have engaged in work.

◆ + α: Partner to support

ByMiz fiat

He is a psychoanalyst and a psychiatrist in AustriaFreudThere was a wife named Malta, Malta supported everything except Freud 's work in life, such as choosing handkerchief not only for housekeeping but also toothpaste on toothbrush. ComposerMahlerHis wife supported her husband's job entirely, including having her neighbor dog troublesome with Mahler's job and handling her opera ticket to a neighbor and secretly asking the dog to be quiet. There was a partner that supports the work in the shadow of the great man.

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