“Petit★Asobi Vol.3” report with Jibanyan, walking pilgrimage, strawberry picking and mysterious events

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 23:05 Mar 14, 2015, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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'Petit★Asobi' Vol. 3, which is an extra edition of the anime event 'Machi★Asobi' held in May and October, was held in Tokushima on March 14th and 15th. Although the name is ``Petit'' and the number of events itself is small, it is unique in that it includes events that cannot be done in normal ``Machi★Asobi''.

Machi★Asobi vol.14 2015.05.03~05.05 held


Petit★Asobi Schedule

·table of contents
◆Overall event scenery
◆Mini Shikoku 88 spots midway up Mt. Bizan Walking Park
◆TEAM OHENRO. Talk show & live etc.
◆Jibanyan Variety Show
◆Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] #13 (Episode 14) advance screening
◆Riko Nakamura Petit★Asobi Talk Event Part 1 (Osumi Strawberry Farm)
◆Cosplay queue
◆Riko Nakamura Petit★Asobi Talk Event Part 2

◆Overall event scenery
On the morning of March 14th, the weather in Tokushima was rainy.

The first event started at 9:30, but because numbered tickets were distributed earlier than that, there was a queue in front of the ufotable cinema.

It seems that people who were looking for 'Ohenro.' started lining up at 5 o'clock, and people looking for 'Fate' started lining up around 5:30.

Before 9 o'clock, the advance screening of 'Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works]' #13 was full and there was standing room, and the entire screening was almost full.

The theater where all screenings are held is packed with people. After this, there will also be standing room.

◆Mini Shikoku 88 spots midway up Mt. Bizan Walking Park
One of the main events on the 14th is ``Walking Ohenro.'' The four cast members of ``Ohenro.'' (

Nanami Yamashita , Yuri Ehara , Marika Takano , and Sho Okumura ) and general participants will go to Bizan. The idea is to visit the ``New Shikoku 88 Places''. The real ``Shikoku 88 Temples'' is a pilgrimage to temples scattered throughout Shikoku, and it was created by collecting sand from each temple. The course seems to take less than 1 hour and 30 minutes if you are in good shape.

So, we started at Tenjin Shrine next to Awa Odori Kaikan.

It's like the cast takes the lead.

This partially overlaps with the climbing route to the summit of Mt. Bizan.

Although it is a mountain, Mt. Bizan is the main venue for events, so I climbed it while thinking about why we would hold an event on a mountain.

80 people participated by purchasing the DVD of ``Ohenro. Kochi Edition'' as the cast progressed steadily. The cast members are in groups of two and have a talk with the participants.

Everyone's equipment is quite different.

About 30 minutes into the climb, you will reach Tokushima's No. 1 temple, Ryozenji Temple. Put your palms together and bow. Depending on the location, there may be multiple temples lined up.

This is done in the same way as a pilgrimage.

Kukai like 'Crayon Shin-chan'...?

You'll be walking on paved roads all the way around here, so it's pretty easy. By the way, if you go up the stairs in the center of this photo, there is an observation deck.

However, like a real pilgrimage, it wasn't just an easy path; there was a mountain path waiting for us in the second half.

Due to this difficult route, fire department members also participated as volunteer staff this time.

It was quite difficult to move 80 people one by one, but we safely arrived at Yajuhachiban.

However, from here you will have to walk back through town to the Awa Odori Kaikan. According to an experienced person, ``Once you feel a sense of accomplishment, it gets a little tough, thinking, ``Are you going to walk even further on top of this?'' However, those who participated this time also had a talk time with the cast, so It was probably a happier time.

We returned to Tenjin Shrine and took a commemorative photo. The total journey was over 2 hours and approximately 5.5km.

◆TEAM OHENRO. Talk show & live etc.
After this, the three cast members of 'Ohenro.' held a talk show and live performance.

During the talk, we talked about the addition of ``Ohenro.'' to the smartphone app ``

Butai Meguri ,'' the release of the fourth episode of the comic version ``Ohenro.'' currently being serialized in Famitsu Comic Clear, and the release of the DVD. It was announced that the third volume, Ehime edition, will be released.

Furthermore, the 4th generation of Kurahinode appeared on stage as a special guest and presented sweets with the motif of the four of them. After this, only 30 sets of Chiwa, Mao, and Megumi were sold. Naturally, the line quickly formed and it sold out.

The sample looks like this. There were also some made by our predecessors, but they were one-offs.

Mr. Okumura has uploaded a photo of the four of them together.

At the movie theater, there was a screening of ``Ohenro. ~Eighty-Eight Steps~ Summer We Walked Too,'' and a talk event was also held here.

After the screening on the 15th, a handing over session was held by the four cast members.

◆Jibanyan Variety Show
Jibanyan was popular here too, with children dancing around him.

◆Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works] #13 (Episode 14) advance screening
Prior to the 2nd season of Fate/stay night [Unlimited Blade Works], which will begin broadcasting in April, a preliminary screening of #13 (Episode 14) was held.

By the way, these screenings are usually held for staff and related parties, followed by an event for the general audience, and screenings of #13 to #15 will be held on March 28th (Saturday). ), but earlier than that, Aniplex's producer Atsuhiro Iwakami rushed to Tokushima with the footage, which he said was 'just finished,' so this screening in Tokushima was the 'fastest timing in the world.'

Before and after the screening, producer Hikaru Kondo of Eufotable, who produced the film, and producer Iwakami held a talk. It has become clear

that there is an 'original edition' because some parts were cut to fit the size that was broadcast during the 1st season, but in the same way this 2nd season also has a number of episodes. It is said that the original edition exists.

The 2nd season picks up where it left off from the end of the 1st season, with Shirou losing his servant Saber to Caster, and there are plenty of highlights starting from #13. In particular, Rin's reactions are cuter than in the previous episodes, so it's a must-see.

◆Riko Nakamura Petit★Asobi Talk Event Part 1 (Osumi Strawberry Farm)
Voice actress Eriko Nakamura, who is active as

Haruka Amami in The Idolmaster and Mikage Kiryu in Space Battleship Yamato 2199, spoke about Tokushima Anime at Machi★Asobi vol.13 held in October 2014. was appointed as an ambassador. As part of my job, I decided to take photos to be used in Tokushima Prefecture's free public relations paper.

The shooting location was Osumi Strawberry Farm near Tokushima Awaodori Airport. In 2015, you can pick strawberries from January 31st to late May, and from February 28th to April 7th, the fee is 1,600 yen for junior high school students and above, 1,300 yen for elementary school students and above, 1,000 yen for children 2 years old and above. 400 yen for 1 year old child.

The time limit is 60 minutes, and you can eat the strawberries you pick on the spot.

Mr. Nakamura takes photos to highlight these strawberries.

``This is what it looks like,'' he said to me while I was checking the photos I had taken.

Taking a photo while posing with two strawberries

It looks like he was taking a photo like this.

After finishing all the shooting, it was time to pick strawberries for a little while.

The variety lined up in this vinyl greenhouse is called 'Benihoppe.'

It is a large, juicy strawberry.

After picking strawberries, a talk event was held in the greenhouse next door. First, let's toast with the strawberries we picked earlier.

Mr. Nakamura has been to Tokushima several times, and each time he buys an information magazine called ``

Tokushimajin .'' This is the April issue of ``Tokushimajin'' that the customer had with him. Along with information on sightseeing and food, there is also a Q&A about funerals in Tokushima, so it might be perfect for people who want to learn more about Tokushima.

After this, Mr. Nakamura left the strawberry farm and decided to wander around Tokushima to take pictures. The situation was reported during a talk event held in the evening.

◆Cosplay queue
While Mr. Nakamura was out taking pictures here and there, a cosplay procession was held with Sudachi-kun, youkai, and cosplayers.

These monsters are said to have come from Yamashiro-cho, Miyoshi City. They may look scary as they carry knives and show sharp fangs, but they are friendly monsters that dance to the music.

Next up are the cosplayers. This Shocker Rider is often seen at Machi★Asobi venues. By the way, Kamen Rider Super 1 was also there on the 14th.

It was a costumed procession or something.

Anyway, there was a wide range of genres, and on weekdays, the quiet arcade had a chaotic atmosphere.

This was not a cosplay procession, but Rin Tohsaka, who was wearing a uniform, was helping with the raffle.

Thanks to this, the arcade is so crowded.

◆Riko Nakamura Petit★Asobi Talk Event Part 2
It was expected that there would be a large number of people who wanted to participate in the talk event starting at 4:30 pm, so we decided to form a line and hold a lottery at 3 pm.

Then, at 16:30, Eriko Nakamura rushes out onto the stage after being called out.

Sudachi-kun appears as a guest.

shake hands firmly

During the talk, Mr. Nakamura reported on what he had done. Apparently, he made and ate Taki no Yakimochi at Wadanoya. Although he was able to do well with the beginner's luck the first time, it seems that the second one was not so easy.

This is what it looked like at that time.

By the way, this is the report when I ordered Taki no Yakimochi at a store. A thin rice cake filled with red bean paste has a chrysanthemum pattern on it.

I went to the main branch of the sweet shop ``Wadanoya'' where you can enjoy yakimochi while looking at the waterfall - GIGAZINE

This is a restaurant with a great atmosphere, where you can see the waterfall and carp from the seats on the second floor.

Tasting review of Wadanoya's 'Matcha Zenzai', a perfect match of matcha and zenzai

The talk then turned to fish cutlet. The people of Tokushima Prefecture are said to be particular about their sauces, and of course Producer Kondo, who is also from Tokushima, and Nanami Yamashita, a voice actress who is also from Tokushima and is active in shows such as 'Ohenro.' and 'Wake Up, Girls!,' are particular about their sauces. Mr. Yamashita said that he likes green perilla sauce.

“Fish cutlet eating party” is TEAM OHENRO. It seems that it was held at the ufotable cafe.

As the food-related talk continued, Mr. Nakamura confessed that even though he ate strawberries, yakimochi, and fish cutlets, he had bought so much at the product fair that he wondered if he was smuggling it! However, he showed off his extensive knowledge of Tokushima, saying that he wasn't just eating around. In Tokushima, there is a three-tiered box called `` Yusanbako,' ' which is almost no longer used, but it is said that in the past, each person in the family had one. He told me something like this. It feels like my job is more than just being an 'anime ambassador.'

The photos taken this time are scheduled to be used in a free paper, and the free paper will be distributed at the next Machi★Asobi 'if it's in time.' Mr. Nakamura said that he would like to distribute it himself if possible, but it is important to note that the distribution event has not been confirmed.

The next Machi★Asobi will be held from May 3rd (Sunday) to May 5th (Tuesday). One of the events that has already been decided is the public wedding of voice actor Mitsuhiro Ichiki, who will be attending Machi★Asobi almost full-time, and Nana Inoue, who is also a voice actress , so it remains to be seen where and how it will be held. It's hard to predict, but please look forward to it.

in Coverage, Posted by logc_nt