"Inception" to infiltrate dreams and plant ideas tried the model board games "Dream Heist"

A movie released in 2010Inception"There is a hierarchy in dreams." "As time goes deeper, the way of time progresses slower." "Special goal is to go to the world of emptiness when you die in a dream and you will not be able to return to the real world" I put the setting in the board game is "Dream Heist"is. When the Inception and the Boat Game merged, I was concerned about what kind of game will be played so I actually tried playing it.

Dream Heist

Dream Heist is in an attache case style package to store dream sharing devices that appeared at the reception.

The package is quite large, it looks like this when compared with iPhone 6 size.

Open with Pakari.

Inside contains game boards, dice, coma, colorful block cards, instructions.

The game board is quite large, and it requires a certain amount of space to play.

Colorful blocks are used for score calculation with five colors of red, purple, blue, green and white.

The one that looks exactly like the totem that appeared in the movie is used as a frame.

It is an idea card that says "DESIGNER" "INFILTRATOR" "THIEF" "SHIFTER".

This is a clockwork card that notifies you whether you are going in a clockwise direction on a circular board or going counterclockwise.

Cards called subconscious cards are positioned as assisting cards to assist players.

Dream Heist requires each player to clear the mission. It is the mission card that details of the mission are written.

I checked the contents of the package and I will actually play it. This time it's a challenge for two people to make it easy to understand. Dream Heist is limited to 2 to 5 players.

First you select the totem and block to use as a frame and get the clock work card of the same color as the selected block. In this time we selected a totem like a silver frame and a chess frame type totem.

Prior to starting the game, each player sets one block of his color in the place of the number "1" lined up at the top of the board game. This represents a point and moves it by the number of points you get.

Three types of cards are often shuffled before playing.

There are three other players who can choose a mission card, and one of them is selected.

Click here for the mission card you got.

I will distribute four idea cards.

Set the remaining item cards in the place written as THIEF on the board. There is no need to distribute the white sub conscious card at the beginning of the game, and place it as a sacred card in the zone marked SHIFTER as it is. This completes play preparation.

Before starting the game Zakkuri, I explained the rules. The board represents the person's dream of Mark, it is a rough flow of the game that marks end all missions before waking up from their dreams, and those who earn the most points at that time will win.

The board is divided into four zones: blue DESIGNER, red INFILTRATOR, green SHIFTER, purple THIEF. If you look closely, you can see that there are four circles in which the trout is lining, this is the area called the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th hierarchies from the outside respectively.

From the left, "massage ideas", "take a sub conscious card from a deck card", "take one card of a sub conscious or an idea card from a deck card" " It means to take an idea card one from the deck. " Because there are only 4 types of trout, it is easy to remember.

In the middle of the circle of the fourth hierarchy is the place called LIMBO (emptiness). It seems that I can not get out easily once it falls.

It is the mission card that holds the key to the rules of the game. On the left side of the mission card there are four missions color-coded into four colors, each of which must be carried out in one hierarchy. Mission is feasible by "massage idea" mass (lightning mark).

For example, a mission with a number 4 on the left and a designation DESIGNER on a blue background can only be executed when it stops at the lightning mark mass in the blue DESIGNER zone. However, in order to execute it is necessary to have 4 DESIGNER cards. Although the hierarchy in which the mission is executed is not specified, only one mission can be done in each hierarchy. In other words, the aim is to run 4 missions in each hierarchy, such as the DESIGNER mission in the first hierarchy, the SHIFTER mission in the second hierarchy ... ... etc. Completing 4 missions will add the number on the top of the card to the score as a bonus point. For this card, the total mission accomplishment is 26 points.

As you can see the interest of the game better than you read it with letters, you started playing the trust so far. First, set the frame to the place where "FIRST" of the first hierarchy is written.

Next we roll the dice, but we need to declare whether to proceed clockwise or counterclockwise before shaking. Select clockwise this time.

Since the number of eyes that we got was 6, we advanced the frame 6 meters clockwise and stopped at the square of the sub conscious card.

I will take one subconscious card from the deck. The sub conscious card that I got can be used as a "DESIGNER" card.

A state where green SHIFTER · red INFILTRATOR is 1 each and blue DESIGNER is 3 at the time of shaking the dice once.

Meanwhile, the opponent stopped at the mass of the lightning mark "to plant the idea (execute the mission)" at the 1st throw ... ...

Because the number of idea cards is insufficient, the mission can not be executed. In short, it stopped loss.

Finally stopped with a lightning mark after the third shot. It is a chance to execute the mission.

Luckily there are three red INFILTRATOR cards, trying to run the mission ... ...

The zone where the frame stopped is the blue DESIGNER zone, so you need a blue DESIGNER card to do the mission. There is no point in having a red card.

"Although it was an opportunity to carry out the mission, it was a chance to make a mission carefully ..." but he succeeded in stopping at the lightning mass in the red zone at the next turn. Execute the mission using 3 red INFILITRATOR cards.

When you execute the mission, arrange the number of cards using the block outside the circle, that is, three blocks. We ran the mission in the first hierarchy and placed three blocks so we got three points, one point × three. In the second hierarchy, you can earn 2 points per block, 3 points in the 3rd hierarchy, 4 points in the 4th hierarchy, and you can earn more points as the hierarchy goes down.

When you score points, move the block set at the top. With this I got 4 points.

Since there is only one executable mission per hierarchy, there is no need to be in the first hierarchy anymore, and you will move to the second hierarchy.

To move to the second hierarchy you can move the dice if the total eyes are multiples of 2 by rolling the dice. Since a dice can swing only once per turn, I will consume turns until a multiple of 2 comes out. To move to the third hierarchy, you can not go until the total of dice is a multiple of 3 and to the 4th hierarchy it must be a multiple of 4.

When I shake the dice with feeling "Eyashi!" 8 got out. Since it is a multiple of 2, it can move to the second hierarchy.

When you move the hierarchy, you set a frame at the top of the circle just like at the start of the game, declare whether you can proceed clockwise or counterclockwise and shake the dice.

The game is going on and so on. Even in the 2nd hierarchy there was no big trouble and completed the mission of the green SHIFTER, to the 3rd hierarchy ... ....

Before executing the mission in the 3rd hierarchy, I got a sub conscious card called "go to the next level", so you do not have to do dice in each zone and proceed to the next level as it is. Normally you will have to clear the difficult wall with a difficulty of taking out a multiple of 4 in dice to move to the 4th level, but this time it is not necessary at all, so use the sub conscious card immediately Move to 4 levels.

The fourth hierarchy is a special stage of the lightning mark all of the trout. It seems to reflect the setting of the movie "It is easy to plant ideas as the dream hierarchy becomes deeper".

It is necessary for all square in the fourth hierarchy to have lightning marks possessing the number of idea cards necessary to execute the mission. Since I have 4 blue DESIGNER cards this time, it is possible to execute a mission if it stops at the lightning mark. Even if you come to the fourth hierarchy with the number of idea cards missing, you need to be careful as it will move to another hierarchy without doing anything.

Meanwhile, the opponent has just reached the second hierarchy yet. Although it seems to be considerably delayed compared with myself ... ...

Because the opponent gathered cards collecting cards without being able to execute a mission, they possessed an idea card as many as a mountain, and it is possible to execute a mission at any time. I'm excited.

Three turns were necessary, but somehow managed to succeed in running the mission in the fourth hierarchy.

However, the opponent also cleared the second hierarchy at the same time. Both of them go to the third hierarchy.

An incident occurred when two played the same level. There was already the opponent 's side in the place where I moved the frame.

In this case, the frame which was in the previous mass falls to LIMBO. To escape from the lowest LIMBO, you need to roll out the eyes necessary to move to the original hierarchy. In other words, this time when it fell to the LIMBO from the third hierarchy, we can not get out of LIMBO unless we issue a multiple of 3.

I thought that I could relax and fight with this, but the opponent succeeded in giving a multiple of 3 at the first time.

I immediately returned to the third hierarchy. When escaping from LIMBO, you will return to the beginning of the hierarchy instead of the original squad and replay it.

With just a few turns without anything, my frame stopped at the lightning mark in the purple zone and I finally succeeded in running the last mission. Here declares that the last mission was successful. Once one of the players completes the mission, it will turn into a mode called "FINAL KICK" that lasts 10 turns. In FINAL KICK, if any player does not return to the first hierarchy within 10 turns, the mark which is the owner of the dream wakes up and is dropped by LIMBO. In order to return to the first hierarchy, it is necessary to shake eyes of the dice and to obtain multiples and go back one layer at a time, so those who have the mission must complete urgently and return quickly.

Four turns after the start of FINAL KICK mode, I was able to return to the 1st hierarchy, but the opponent is prioritizing the execution of the mission and is still in the 3rd hierarchy.

The opponent goes to the fourth hierarchy and completes the last mission. It is likely that the battle for the score will be a pretty good game.

However, the opponent can not return to the first hierarchy within 10 turns ... ...

I have fallen to LIMBO. When the FINAL KICK mode is over, the game is over and the opponent left behind by LIMBO is 10 points deducted.

There is no deduction point if you can reach the first hierarchy without fail. Since we have completed four missions, add bonus points ......

I got a total of 62 points.

There were only 40 opponents, and I won a brilliant victory.

At the beginning I was able to run missions one after another so it seemed likely to win but I had few idea cards that I possessed so there was little margin in the first half in the second half and it was quite unexpected. The play time of one game is about 30 minutes, the more the number of people seems to be exciting. Dream Heist was not only a person who has seen the movie "Inception" but also a board game that can be enjoyed enough even by people who have never seen it.

in Review,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log