Personal information such as violation history of 10,000 passenger violation driver leaked

ByAshley Coates

British driver's license issuing office(DVLA) can refer to the database to pay a fine such as a parking violation online "PaymyPCN"It was revealed from the database of personal information such as the name, address, photo, mail address etc of about 10,000 drivers was ready for everyone.

10,000 Drivers In Parking Ticket Data Breach

Sky News reported that there was a backdoor in the security of PaymyPCN, and that the database provided by DVLA was publicly accessible, so everyone was ready to view it. The information that was able to be viewed is personal information of 9721 drivers who were ticketed in the past due to parking violation etc. It includes name, address, face picture, photos of owned cars, mail address, etc. In addition, from these pieces of information, you can also see the details of the violation the individual received and the date of violation.

In December 2014 DVLA will sell personal information for 12 million passengers over the past four and half years to private parking surveillance companies,We earned 22 million pounds (about 4 billion yen)It is said. Criticizing DVLA's provision of data to the private sectorChallenge the Fine"Mr. Michael Green of DVLA continues to continue this policy with legitimacy suspicious and has provided millions of personal information to private enterprises."

DVLA's spokesperson commented, "DVLA does not hold private information such as photographs, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers to private parking surveillance companies." PaymyPCN is taking measures to stop the website after refusing comment on Sky News.

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