What is the scientific effect of "meditation"?


Steve Jobs on young days is known to have been doing meditation, and overseas it is done as one of yoga-like health laws. The movie explains what kind of scientific effect the actions such as collapsing the eyes and concentrating the mind together by organizing the zen meditation will bring about the scientific effect.

The Scientific Power of Meditation - YouTube

Scanning the meditating brain confirms that the activity in each area is activated. Specifically, it seems that there are effects such as improvement of pain tolerance, decrease of anxiety and depression.

The situation where the brain activity becomes unconsciously active is called "Default mode networkThis state is said to be strongly activated especially when "the mind is calm" brought about by meditation and "setting goal".

In addition, as a scientist compared the "Buddhist monk" and "meditation beginner", a remarkable difference was confirmed in the area related to "sympathy" of Buddhist monk's brain, and when the brain wave of a Buddhist monk was measured , High levelAlpha waveHas been measured. It shows that passive mood, tension, sadness, anger, etc. are decreasing in the brain due to an increase in alpha waves.

Although it is possible to measure that meditation actually affects brain activity as "increase in brain waves", the influence of meditation further extends to the shape and size of the brain. After 8 weeks of meditation program in one study,gray matterIt was found that the areas related to learning ability, memory processing, and emotion control were increasing.

And involve stress, blood pressure, fearAmygdalaIt was said that it was decreasing.

As the amygdala decrease, the blood pressure of the whole body drops. At first glance it seems like an adverse effect, but in fact it has the effect of making it easier to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide to the whole body.

In addition, studies showing that immune function has improved have also been published. By continuing meditation, we can confirm changes in the body at the cell level.

Subsequently, the human chromosomeTelomereIt is protected by the protein complex named, which prevents DNA damage and so on.

The shortening of telomeres adversely affects cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and aging, but it is reported that the length of telomeres is increased by the meditation program.

Decrease in stress is caused by enzymes involved in telomere elongationTelomeraseIt is said that telomere is prolonged by stress reduction due to meditation because it is said to have an effect.

Meditation that various effects are scientifically confirmed, but it should not be considered medical advice such as 'the cancer will cure' by the effect of meditation.

For example, training a body with a gym is one way to maintain general health.

Likewise, thinking of meditation as "training of the brain" can have a good health impact and live on a daily basis in a relaxed way.

in Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log