"2D car simulator" which can run as a runner on Google Maps and explode everywhere with a car or a large bus

Google Maps can switch to aerial photographs and walk around in street view, you can taste the atmosphere of places you do not see yet, but you can run around with such aerial photographs on Google Maps as "2D car simulator"is.

2D car simulator on Google Maps

You can see how the 2 / D automobile simulator is blowing up the Tomei Expressway from the following movie.

I tried exploding Tomei Express at "2D car simulator" - YouTube

"2D car simulator" is a simulator that can freely run around on aerial photographs on Google map. It is okay to blow off the autobahn at full speed or to hit the Eiffel Tower. You can operate with the directional key on the keyboard, "Del" "PageDown" can turn left and right blinkers, "H" hazard lamp, "End" can stop each lamp.

To run around Google Maps. Click "START".

Then it starts from a parking lot where many cars are parked like this.

Turn left while properly turning on the turn signal. Since the steering wheel is on the lower right, you should be able to understand immediately as soon as the direction becomes obscure at the time of back.

The maximum speed is 120 km / h. When backing while curving, we can reproduce the movement of the car accurately, such as drift-like movement can be made.

Since nothing happens when you touch obstacles, you could thrust into the stadium you discovered without fear.

Also, if you click "Recommended Locations", you can warp to "Tokyo Station" "JR Kyoto Station front" "Arc de Triomphe" "Google head office".

It is OK even if you enter the place name and address in the upper left frame.NaoshimaWhen I came to search for pumpkins, I found it safely.

Also, by clicking the icon on the upper left, you can switch the car from a car to a large bus. Because the curve is harder to bend than the car, I got into a car parked at the Google headquarters.

The state of running around here and there such as Kyoto city with a large bus is contained in the following movie.

"2D car simulator" large bus version - YouTube

Frame synthesis which developed "2D car simulator" also offers free games such as "3D parking simulator" using Unity and "3D automobile simulator" running around Google Earth. Google Earth is out of plug-in, but playing itself is possible, so please try once.

Frame synthesis (former GeoQuake)

in Review,   Web Service,   Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log