Grizaia series 3 works Successfully gather 19 million yen of target for just half a day for collecting English version for investment

Current animation broadcasting "Grisaia's fruit"Is a work that was originally a PC game released from the front wing in 2011, as a sequel"Labyrinth of Grisaia", And the series completion edition"Gurziaia's paradise"Is present. The project of creating this English version of three works of Gurizaia at once is now starting at Kickstarter, and the target amount of money in just 14 hours and 30 minutes is about 160,000 dollars (about 19 million yen) We collected a lot of comments that seemed to have "a lot of fans outside the country" as well.

The Grisaia Trilogy: Three Huge Visual Novels for PC by sekaiproject - Kickstarter

Translation of the Grisaia series is responsible for the translation,Translation of official English version of "CLANNAD"We are also in charge of the start-up "English version of Japanese animation and games"Sekai Project".

The Gurizaia series is a long-form novel game that lightly overcomes 80 hours when 3 works are combined. When translating this, paying license royalties to the front wing and trying to make it with all the series voices would cost a reasonable amount, so that Kickstarter solicited investment, the project planner Sekai Project I have commented on it.

English version introduction images of major characters are also uploaded.

Yumiko Sakaki

Shogo Tenbo

Michiru Matsushima

Ice-filled vegetables

Sachi Komine

And Yuji Kazami of the hero

In the project, we plan to localize the PS Vita version of the Grisaia series to the English version, and it seems that we will release English version with full voice for PC. New scenarios and illustrations are added to the Vita version, and this is also expected to be added to the English version. In addition, as a Kickstarter version, it is also possible to get a colored paper with illustrations by Mr. Akio Watanabe and Mr. Fumio who was in charge of the character design of the Grisaia series specially.

In addition, if you want to get the English version of the Gurizaia series, the benefits will differ for each investment amount as follows, so it seems necessary to carefully seek the benefits you want to pay attention to.

$ 30 (about 3600 yen):Digital version of Grisaia's fruit
$ 40 (about 4700 yen):Grisaia fruit with hard cover
$ 80 (about 9500 yen):Digital version Gurizaia series 3 works
$ 115 (about 13,900 yen):Original drama of 80 dollars of capital contribution + Gurizaia series 3 works (digital version)
$ 120 (approx. 14,200 yen):Grisaia series with hard cover 3 works
$ 180 (about 21,000 yen):Original dubbing of 120 dollars of contribution + original Gurizaia series work (with hard cover)
$ 210 (about 25,000 yen):A $ 180 Investment Benefit + Poster Set
$ 245 (approx. 29,000 yen):Investment benefit of $ 210 + B2 size tapestry
$ 310 (about 37,000 yen):Investment benefits of $ 245 + bed sheets
$ 420 (about 50,000 yen):Capital contribution of 310 dollars + Dakimakura cover
$ 1000 (approx. 19,000 yen):Capital contribution of $ 420 + signed tapestry and illustrated illustrations
$ 3000 (about 360,000 yen):A $ 1,000 Investment Benefit + Akio Watanabe or colored paper by Fumio
$ 5000 (about 590,000 yen):Akio Watanabe or Fumio's autographed signature with an investment benefit of 3,000 dollars + illustration with color

Illustrations in the images below are used for the bonus poster set and tapestry. Three illustrations on the top are printed on the poster, the illustration on the lower left is used for the tapestry, and the design on the right is adopted for the tapestry with the signature.

The design of the pillow cover and bed sheets of the benefits are as follows.

In addition to this, if the total amount of investment exceeds 200 thousand dollars (about 24 million yen), the spin-off game "Idol Magical Girl Chibi Kirumiri"If it exceeds 240 thousand dollars (about 28 million yen), it will also release the English version Gurizaia series for non-PC platforms.

In addition, from the overseas fans in the comment section, I am proud that I became a member of this Kickstarter project.Please keep this pace and spread Gurizaia to everyone! "" My true goal There are lots of comments such as "There are 18 bonus versions ......" and others are only bonuses, especially those that will be in English this timeCERO DSince it was a Vita version released at the beginning, there are quite a few comments that "Can you release the 18 ban version?"

In addition, Ryuichiro Yamakawa of the front wing who served as producer of the PC game "Grisaia's fruit" seems to have already been financed.

It seems that Baba president of Visual Arts secretly invested.

The deadline for investment is 16:59 on February 1, 2015.

in Video,   Anime,   Game, Posted by logu_ii