The incomplete super masterpiece "Shen Mu 3" is really looking for investment with Kickstarter, the fans are flooded and the site is sunk for a while

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The creation started with the plan consisting of all 11 chapters, and "1999"Shen Mu 1 chapter Yokosuka」Is published as a video game with production cost in the world at the time Guinness Book of the time only about 600,000 pieces will be sold," Shenmu II "will be released in 2001 SEGA already withdrew from the hard business We have decided, there are few users asking for a super-large-scale game that comes out with no hardware of the future, despite the fact that it cost about 2 billion yen, about 150,000 pieces of sales are sold, which seems to have finished without finally completing Although it was, just how earlier the production director Yu Suzuki attended the E3 and announced that it is looking for a capital contribution of "Shen Moo 3" at Cloud Funding. Immediately after, the venue of E3 was wrapped in the voice of great joy and Kickstarter issued a temporary 503 error and the connection became impossible, the more the fans were flooded, which is tremendous.

Shenmue 3 by Ys Net - Kickstarter

What is a kick starter? | Shen Mu 3

The movie of "Shenmue 3" can be seen from the following.

"Shen Mu 3" is an open world type action RPG which is an official sequel of an incomplete masterpiece game "Shen Mu 2" released as a software of Dreamcast. Playable on PS4 and PC. Fourteen years have passed since Shenmu 2 was released, but among the Shenmue community there is still enthusiastic fans waiting for the sequel to argue that "When is Shenmue 3 come out?" As a result, That's why we responded to the hot demands from fans, "Please do Shenmue 3 with Kickstarter!"

Of course the director is Hiroshi Suzuki who has worked on the Shen Mu series.

A picture of a new world of Shen Mu that took over the elements of the previous work and the world view is like this. It is produced with Unreal Engine 4.

The outline is as follows.

Rika Mozuki of the hero who went to China to fight the father's villain, the mysterious girl named Shenghua met there, the story begins to move toward the core with the encounter between the two.
The mystery hidden in the two copper mirrors, the confrontation with the four heavenly king, the fate to listen to the two of Ryo and Shenghwa ...

◆ "Shenmue 3" character
Promising the revenge of the father who was killed, the hero who departed to China "Ryo"

A mysterious girl "Shenfa" who grew up in the forest of China, Guilin

One of the four heavenly kings of the back organization "Shi Yuan" that dominates China from the shade "Dynasty (Soyuu)"

One of the four bastards "Tori Fab" that is a user of Ken Fist wearing a fascinating atmosphere

The rewards that can be obtained by the investment amount are as follows.

· 5 dollars (about 600 yen):
· Acknowledgments from Hiroshi Suzuki
· Right to participate in questionnaires on game development

$ 29 (about 3500 yen):
· Digital download version of "Shen Mu 3". Select from PC or PS4 either
· Including $ 5 Rewards

◆ $ 60 (about 7000 yen):
· Packaged version of 'Shen Mu 3' (PC only)
· Including $ 5 Rewards

◆ $ 100 (about 12,000 yen):
· One for the package version PC of "Shen Mu 3", for the digital download version PS 4, or one for the digital download version PC
· "Shenmue 3" for trial version PC
· Right to mention your name in credit
· Including $ 5 Rewards

◆ $ 120 (approx. 15,000 yen)
· "Ryou" "Shenfa" "Chai" "Forklift" One is randomly given from among figures. (The figure design may be different from the image)
· Including 100 dollar reward

◆ $ 160 (about 19,000 yen):
· Kickstarter limited "Senior technical book" (items in game)
· Capsule Toy 20 times ticket (items in game)
· Shen Mu Original Soundtrack MP3
· Art Book Digital PDF
· Shenmue 3 T-shirt
· Including 120 dollar reward

◆ $ 175 (about 21,500 yen):
· Kick starter limited art book
· Including 160 dollar reward

◆ $ 250 (about 30,000 yen):
· Illustration by main character designer Kenji Miyawaki
· Kick starter limited "Mystery" (items in game)
· Addition of design change function of the cool leather jacket (item in game)
· Kick starter limited soundtrack CD
· Including $ 175 Rewards

◆ $ 300 (about 37,000 yen):
· Hiroshi Suzuki Illustration with sign
· Kick starter limited "Mystery" (items in game)
· Addition of design change function of the cool leather jacket (item in game)
· Kick starter limited soundtrack CD
· Including $ 175 Rewards

◆ 500 dollars (about 60,000 yen):
· Capsule toy figure all 4 types Complete set
· Including $ 300 Rewards

◆ $ 10,000 (about 1,230,000 yen): limited to 1 person
· Ryo's original leather jacket actually worn by Masaya Matsukaze 14 years ago
· Special video message from Hiroshi Suzuki
· Right to mention your name as a special sponsor in credit
· Including $ 500 Rewards

◆ $ 10,000 (about 1,230,000 yen): limited to 3 people
· Dinner pair tickets with Hiroshi Suzuki (scheduled to be held in Tokyo in September 2016)
· Script set actually used in Shen Mu 1 · 2 (Super rare!)
· Right to mention your name as a special sponsor in credit
· Including $ 500 Rewards

Also, a stretching goal is set up in which additional game elements are added according to the amount of contribution gathered, and it has the following contents.

As a celebrity highly appreciated "Shen Mu", the film directorSteven SpielbergThere is.

· Additional notes June 16, 2015 11:42
At 10 thousand dollars, "Ryo's original leather jacket actually worn by 14 years ago by Matsukaze Masaya" etc can be got Rewards has reached the limited number at once. Furthermore, with the other 10 thousand dollars, the rewards which can get "Dinner pair ticket with Hiroshi Suzuki" etc. are all filled in 3 frames, and it is amazing that the maximum amount of capital stocks will be filled one after another.

· Additional notes 12th June, 2015 20:12
"Shenmu-3" was announced at E3, and the situation of the venue where the tremendous excitement is taking place and the story till this time can be seen from the following picture.

Shenmue III at E3 2015 - YouTube

The appearance of the audience seating when "Shen Mu 3" was announced at E 3 looks like this, and the person who was standing up has a head with surprise and it seems I could not understand what is going on.

· Additional notes June 16, 2015 18: 15
I can understand how well "Shen Mu 3" gave the fans an impact to the fans, and see the state of live broadcasting at overseas game news site at the moment when "Shen Mu 3" was announced. At the moment of the announcement, screaming, great joy, crying, moving around, sharing joyfully and sharing the scenery, such as "Oh my God!" "Jesus ......" In general, it is easy to understand when playing back from around 26 seconds.

Shenmue 3 Reveal reaction (GameTrailers Live) - YouTube

· Additional notes June 16, 2015 20: 02
In just few hours from the start of the Kickstarter project of "Shen Mu 3", the investment gathered exceeded the target amount of 2 million dollars (about 245 million yen). With this, "Shen Mu 3" will be started for commercialization, and if additional investment gathers, additional elements such as "skill tree" will be added to the game.

in Video,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log