Is the sound of "Interstellar" too deca? Director Christopher Nolan commented on the truth

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From November 22, 2014, the nationwide public release of the science fiction movie "Interstellar"Looks like a magnificent movie that saves human beings and families who have suffered from food shortages and calculates mathematical expressions such as" gravity in 4 dimensions and 5 dimensions "and" solutions for Einstein equation "by theoretical physicistsSupervised by Mr. Kip ThorneDoing it,I draw black holes and wormholes accuratelyAnd, it is a hard sci-fi movie of Gorigori. Such an interstellarIMAXAlthough it is screened at the theater, "BGM and sound effects are too big"People who actually appreciate complaints.

Interstellar Sound Issues: Explore A Potential Problem With the Film

Christopher Nolan Breaks Silence on 'Interstellar' Sound (Exclusive) - Hollywood Reporter

movies"dark Knight"Christopher Nolan, who has worked on such things as, is known perfectionist who instructs all stages of production preparation, sound, publicity, etc. in movie production. Director Nolan's latest work "Interstellar" has been released around the world including Britain on October 29, 2014, but those who appreciate Interstellar at IMAX theaters in the US, Canada and Europe, He said he was complaining about sound complaints.

Complaints tweeted on Twitter are as follows.

"Intersteller I saw at TCL · Chinese · IMAX theater last night was an unlikely volume and was a curse of roar ..."

"35 mm and the digital version of Interstellar had no such problems as said, but with regard to the IMAX theater there was a problem in the scene where several serifs entered"

"Who will bring Christopher Nolan to the otolaryngology?"

A movie blog that heard rumorsSlash FilmMr. Germain Lussier, to ascertain the truthTCL · Chinese · IMAX TheaterWatching Interstellar at. Then, in the dialog scenes at the beginning, BGM and the effect sound of the airplane were too big, he said that he could not hear the words of the actor almost completely. This is the same content as complaints many people are appealing on Twitter etc., but the same scene starringMatthew McConaugheyLossier says that 's acting is very visual and can predict the content of the conversation, probably a deliberate production.

Mr. Lussier then interviewed people and colleagues who actually watched Interstellar. Those who appreciated at the two movie theaters commented that "the sound was noisier, but it was better than last time" and that most people were watching at the middle seat from the front of the theater , I conclude that it is probably a matter of place. In addition, Noran directed another movie blog about soundTo Hollywood Reporter, "The sound of the movie is normal, I went around six or seven IMAX theaters, but I realized exactly what I meant" and said that it aimed at creative directing It is.

In fact, when the editorial staff appreciate Interstellar at a regular movie theater in Japan, I could not confirm the roar that is said in the IMAX theater in particular. However, although it is not a problem on the production side, at some IMAX theaters in Tokyo and Hokkaido,Refund hindrance due to equipment troubleIt seems that it is happening. In that case probably there is a disturbance in the sound and video from the trailer, so it should be possible to distinguish whether it is directed or not. It is a spectacular science-fiction film, so it's a work I'd like to appreciate at the IMAX theater, but it seems better to check the theater beforehand whether equipment trouble has occurred.

"Interstellar" IMAX Screening Trouble Victim Summary (Sapporo, Toshimaen, Kawasaki) - Togetter Summary

in Note,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log