Firefox's JavaScript engine "Spidermonkey" runs faster than Chrome's V8

BySparrow *

"Mozilla's JavaScript team runs"AreWeFastYet?According to a survey, Firefox's JavaScript engine "Spidermonkey"But,"Kraken"·"SunSpider"Google's"OctaneIn the Javascript benchmark score such as "Google V8 JavaScript Engine"Or"JSC"It turned out that it exceeded.


Well, I'm Back: Are We Fast Yet? Yes We Are!

"ARE WE FAST YET?" Is a service that Mozilla's JavaScript team checks the latest source code for each JavaScript engine automatically every day, measures the benchmark and stores it in the database. Looking at the graph showing the benchmark results of each JavaScript engine from 2012 released from 2012, we can see that Spidermonkey has the best results.

The graph below shows the execution speed of each JavaScript engine in the JavaScript benchmark "Kraken". Yellow green optimized Chrome V8 with compiler TurboFan - JSC - blue - Chrome V8 - Orange shows Spidermonkey with Ionmonkey, the execution speed is faster as you go below the graph. Chrome V8 was the fastest running speed before February 2014, but after that Spidermonkey reversed at a close margin and kept the first place.

Below is a graphical representation of the execution speed of each JavaScript engine measured by SunSpider. Again, you can see that Spidermonkey is the fastest.

Spidermonkey also recorded the highest points in the graph shown below on the benchmark score measured by Octane, Chrome V8 followed by Chrome V8, with a big difference, Chrome V8 with JSC · TurboFan followed It is like feeling.

In this survey we found Spidermonkey to be faster than Chrome V8 and JSC, but Mozilla hackerRobert O'Callahan"It is wonderful that Spidermonkey is faster than Chrome V8, but the actual performance performance is more complicated than the benchmarking software score."

in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log