A visionary OS "Windows 93" that may have existed between Windows 3.1 and 95
Windows 3.1WhenWindows 95Speaking of Speaking of President, it is a leading player who has built up the situation of Windows winning continuing to the present, but a phantom OS that might have existed quietly between such twoWindows 93"Emulated site is released.
Although it is new information of the shock that makes me want to say "Fat!", This is of course a story. When you visit the site, things like OS startup screen are displayed. If you look closely, information such as your IP address and browser name is displayed, which is the detail of the trick.

Here the startup sound is played, but why is flowing here is somehow the start sound of the first "PlayStation". Suddenly there is a feeling that you are stuffing the story from the beginning.

It is an elaborate thing that all the icons displayed on the desktop are double-clicked and the application starts properly. You can also click the start menu on the bottom left.


When you double-click the icon, something like a command screen with "hello world" appeared. Type "help" here and press Enter ... ...

A list of available commands is displayed. Actually commandI want to hit it.It is also possible to do so, it might be interesting to try people who are interested.

◆ C: /

When double clicked, the screen of an old old explorer was displayed.

Double clicking on each icon makes it a feeling of being able to dive into the hierarchy more and more, in fact it is also possible to download some files.

◆ Cat Explorer

whyNyan Cat(Nyan Cat) -like iconCat ExplorerIt is a pattern of browsers installed in Windows 93. When launching, somehow search site "DuckDuckGoIt was supposed to be displayed.

In addition, this Cat Explorer really allows you to browse the net.

Several sites are registered from the beginning in the bookmark bar. I can see a folder like "P () rn", but this is what ....

In Reddit, reports saying "Reddit is a malware site!" Has been raised.

◆ Glitch Grrrlz Vol01

When launching it, a mysterious application launching that the image of a girl whose file part was broken is endlessly displayed starts.

◆ Paint

Paint function that allows you to draw pictures with mouse. Even if it is natural to be able to select brushes and change colors, it is surprisingly high-performance-like finish as it is equipped with a layer function.

◆ Blox

From aboveTetriminoYou can also play that game that falls.

◆ Take This

A picture of a person with weapons and a tool you do not know well is displayed along with the lines of "Take this with yourself".

◆ Star Wars.avi

It comes out to Star WarsYodaIt is "Star Wars.avi" that the icon of the item is conspicuous. Episode IV is represented by ASCII art, and the original story is from Windows and MacConnect with telnet and you can see Star WarsIn common, it is "STAR WARS ASCIIMATION - Main PageIt can also be browsed from.
Intro screen

Rebel troops chased after a huge battle ship

R2-D2 and C-3PO

Storm True Par and Darth Vader

Princess Leia who entrusts a message to R2 - D2 has also appeared.

◆ Doctor Marburg

Although it is an antivirus software-like "Doctor Marburg", it is a wonderful neta feeling of malignity full bloom that it will ask the credit card number when going ahead.

◆ Solitude

Solitaire can play surprisingly properly.

But at the end I heard that the cards are not enough, the ending to be thoughtlessly unexpectedly awaits.
◆ Hydra

The pop-up window will never disappear forever if you start it carelesslyBraIt is cautionful because it suffers a serious damage.

In addition, various kinds of material are scattered all over the mountain, and if you make it full screen display after accessing with the browser, you can feel like feeling that you are really using "Windows 93".
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in Software, Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log