Questions and answers by new top
Abolish the real name system, Stop forbidding the creation of a Google+ account when creating a Gmail account, eliminate the forcing logo of Hangouts function and Google+, modify / improve policy, SNS not popular with popularity "Google+"David · Besbris (DB) who newly appointed the person responsible for Google +Re / codeWe interviewed and answered "direction of Google +" carefully in response to acute questions.
New Google+ Head David Besbris: We're Here for the Long Haul (Q & amp; A) | Re / code
Is it true that Google+ will soon disappear?
We are very pleased about the progress of Google+. This is also the case for CEO Larry Page. I do not know where the rumor comes from, but I'm telling you in an honest way.
What do you think is the biggest misconception in Google+?
I think that everyone underestimates Google+'s connection (connection). Given what Google has done with other products, I think users will get together on Google+ with expectations. Google + 's attempt also competes with other SNS, but it is not a purpose to compete, I am entering SNS (social) to make users happy.
This is the way Google has taken it with other services so far. There was a search service before Google, but we did another way. Similarly in Gmail, we adopted a different method from the existing service. Google+ users love their circles and like the style they have taken into account privacy since the service started.
What is the priority of Google + among the whole Google social services?
It is very expensive.Google Photos·hang out· Three of Google+ are the top priority.
It is often said that Google+ 's strength is Google Photos, but is not there anything else?
I think Hangout video chat is pretty cool. There is no other service that can easily "attend" to several party venues easily.

What areas should Google+ improve?
I am planning to provide a good mobile application for both iOS and Android, but I have not been able to focus on mobile enough. I am satisfied with my work so far, but I think that smartphones, a supercomputer with a high-performance sensor of a size to fit in a pocket, will open up new fields in the future.

What is the number of Google+ users right now?
I can not say about the number.
What is the biggest challenge in acquiring new users?
It is important to understand how users actually use Google+. And you also know how well Google + fits into your life. For those new to Google+, I would like to tell you how existing users are using Google+ and how they can meet the expectations of new users.
Is it an issue from the time of service start to briefly explain "What is Google+?"
It may be. I do not think that Google + was overwhelmingly confusing users as a single product. There are a few frustrating when using new services. It may be due to the prejudice caused by the eyes of the media about the confusion just after the service began. But at the start I can not help it because no one knew what it is (Google+).
Google has repeatedly conveyed how many times it differs (from other services) so far. We have great search tools, video chat and photo sharing service. It is necessary to tell the user that there is a service not found in other services.

I have a complaint that I forced Google+ to use other Google services, but how do you respond to this voice?
I think that it is good for users to use it when you want to use the software you want to use. As you know, I recently changed the Google+ sign-up procedure, but I am aware that this was part of the cause of user confusion. These changes are answers that were determined to be "important" as a result of appropriate questions when appropriate to the user.
Why are there no ads on Google+?
I think that the advertisement is ant if it can be said that the advertisement is displayed correctly. For example, it is very useful if advertisements display what you need at that timing just as you are searching for something. It is important that ads that are in context are displayed.
Conversely, ads that are not relevant are not great things. Such advertisement only pollutes the page. The page of SNS thinks that it is a very intimate place to share pictures and talk with friends. Advertisements in such places are just "noises" and will not be wanted.
Are you planning not to place ads on Google+ in the future?
I do not feel like keeping something rules all the time. So this answer is No. However, if you post an advertisement, you will try a nice way to do Google streaming.
What do you think about looking back on Mr. Vic Gandra (former manager of Google+) on Google+?
Vic has worked with Google+ from the start stage. It was a good leader. Even now I am a friend and I admire very much. It is very hard to create new things, especially to do something new with social services is even harder. I think Vic did a wonderful job on Google+.

(SnapchatDoes not it appeal to message service or anonymous social service that disappears after a while?
Social is a very delicate world. I think there are various forms of communication, but I think that it is not necessary to realize all of them with Google+. Actually it is very difficult to anonymize on Google+ scale.
Google+ users love their service enthusiastically. I think that anonymity does not fit in the Google+ community. It can not be introduced because it is only fashionable.
What is the goal of Google+? What are you trying to accomplish from a long-term perspective?
I think there is no goal. Social represents the whole of computing. And there are users behind all services. There is a real person. Human beings are social creatures, like to share something, they like to ask and learn from each other. This is important as a service that we offer on Google+.
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