Why do large companies take away the glow of employees?

ByJesus Solana

It seems that it is common in Japan and abroad that the first "glow" such as motivation and talent that was held at the time of a new employee becomes completely unseen after several years of employment. While actively acting as a columnist in the Financial Times for 25 years as to how the glow of such employees will be lost,Press AwardsWe have received numerous awards such asLucy KellawayThinks.

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When Mr. Lucy asked a friend who worked at a prominent large company asking whether his / her work is going well, he said, "Three weeks after working out is very wonderful, and in various rooms and a variety of people in the company I got a chance to talk to you "reply has returned. However, Mr. Lucy said, "If those who have been working in the same company for nearly 30 years were the partners, I do not want to hear stories about that company "Is called.

This is because Mr. Lucy thinks, "People who are truly smart do not just go to one company or institution, but they will jump into different environments." Mr. Lucy said, "The timing of the best to leave is a good thing to stay in the same company no more than two or three years after working out at a company, and it is not a good thing, it is a person who lost the competitive society or who lacks imagination Only the same company will stay for a long time. "


Lucy, who criticizes employees who stay in one company for a long time, seems to believe that employees will lose their radiance such as motivation and talent as long as they remain in large companies. Lucy thinks "Three points where big companies rob the employees' glow"Is as follows.

◆ 1: Improvement of employer's level
One thing is that the bigger the company, the better the current hiring person is becoming a superior person than the one employed in the past as it becomes a big company. Many people gather for the employment of big companies to get their profession. What gathers is an excellent degree, many people have experienced interns, manipulated multiple languages, mostly people who are far from superman who are experts in coding.

◆ 2: Boredom will deprive people from their brilliance
The second point is that boredom will deprive people of their radiance. Just because you stay in an ordinary environment does not mean people who are in that environment become ordinary people who are neither feasible nor impossible. However, it is said that monotonous and painful work and overtime work late into the night deprive the brilliance of motivation and talent from employees.


Even though talented people gathered like 1, it seems that daily monotonous work takes away from the employees.

◆ 3: Growing intergenerational gap
And the last reason is that it is getting harder to understand the other party. There are various differences between new recruits entering the company and veteran employees who will take care of those employees. Although it varies widely, such as how to socialize and how to acquire knowledge that changed greatly with the development of the Internet, such gaps between generations hindered developing mutual trust relationships, It will lead to depriving employees of the brilliance.

in Note, Posted by logu_ii