Special video release of action movie 'Fury' with death fight with Tiger Tank

A tank action movie depicting the appearance that five soldiers riding a Sherman tank named "Fury" fight 300 German armies and Tigger tanks is "Fury". A special image of the masterpiece that shoots using the Tigger tank which is in the state of being the only one in the world to be released has been released.

Film "Fury" official website

Movie "Fury" special video - Death fight with Tigger - YouTube

Contents look like this

The name of "Fury" is given to the shaman tank which Wardady riding who plays Brad Pitt. Norman of recruits is assigned to this "Fury" team. It isLogan Rahman.

Suddenly, one shaman was destroyed.

It is a raid of Tigger.

This movie was filmed using the only thing that was stored in the United Kingdom's Bowington tank museum, among the 7 Tigers existing in the world.

When a tank comes up in a movie, I make exactly what it is, or I cover a car with overhanging power, but this is a real monster.

David Willie of the tank museum said that it was most important to leave the appearance of this Tigger in the movies.

As the word saying "The size and power were well transmitted through the screen ..."

You can see images of powerful force

The wardadians said that "you are the only one who can fight" to challenge the fight with Tigger.

I will make up my mind to "fight the battle"

However, Tiger is an overwhelming presence for Sherman. "I've been fighting so far, why do you run away now?"

This is a comparison between Sherman and Tigger

Tiger that lightly shakes Sherman's desperate attack with armor

Sherman destroyed with the explanation that "the wear rate of rice tanks was intense"

In this way I will try to compete with Tigger ... ...

Consumption condition that "Sherman 50000 units were required to break 1500 Tigers".

It is reasonable that Tigger will be treated like a monster.

"Chikusho" and Wardady.

"It's feeling like being able to put the running teagher tank in the play."

Wardady to challenge that monster / teager "Shoot!"

What is the outcome of their fight?

The movie 'Fury' has been on November 28 (Fri) from TOHO Cinemas Day play and other national road show.

© Norman Licensing, LLC 2014

· November 13 posted
Director David Air, who took this film, released an interview movie that is talking hotly about his thoughts and essence in his work.

Director David Air of movie "Fury" talks hotly - YouTube

in Video,   Movie, Posted by logc_nt