Headline news on October 7, 2014

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SonyRelease of the new action cam mini "HDR-AZ1"To do. The size of the main body is about 74 mm × about 24.2 mm × about 36 mm, and the weight is about 63 g when the battery is installed. Compared with the current aircraft, weight and size are reduced by approximately 30%, becoming smaller and lighter, so that it can be mounted easily to the body and helmet.

New live view remote control is included in "HDR-AZ1VR". It is possible to simultaneously operate up to 5 cameras and check the angle of view.

The release date is October 24 (Friday), the assumed price is around 31,500 yen for HDR-AZ1 (main body only), around HDR-AZ1VR (remote control included kit) is around 41,000 yen.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

What is the virtual currency "Bitcoin" and how it works is summarized in one shot - GIGAZINE

Torch relay towards the Sochi Olympics, reappearing with a lighter disappearing immediately after the start - GIGAZINE

What a startup company should do to get customers - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
Tonkatsu Q & amp; A "Infinite Pig Made" | Website Creation Service "Goupe" Character Blog "Tonkatsu Classroom"

If you forget, Akan's "Fate / stay night" was broadcast in the one hour frame the other day. This is a multi-ending type eroge which was originally released from TYPE-MOON, was animated in the form of tracing the main character, Shiro route, in 2006, but this time, like the theater version, he trails with the heroine's RIND route The story seems to be broadcast. Animation production is fate zero showed a devil painting ufotable Yoshi, if you showed unlimited braid works with such painting power, the bladder named Uncle's unique barrier may collapse and incontinence in so much force. By the way, there is a story that the cherry blossom route of another heroine is made into a theater animation only without animation, and the fate series seems to make hot Japanese anime world still.

As already reported"Heaven's Feel" (cherry-blossom route) has been decided as a movieSo please look forward to it.

[Image large amount] For you who are bored with the typhoon I glue the GIF image: Leisure time \ (^ o ^) / Breaking News - Livedoor blog

Painful news (No ∀ `): Takatoshi Okawa" Hello, Takako Doi "- Livedoor blog

800 meters Dotonbori pool, shrinking to just 80 meters without "no need to do" company management - entertainment society - SANSPO.COM (Sansupo)

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Waseda University, Mr. Koppo's cancellation of his doctor's degree with grace of one year decision: Asahi Shimbun Digital

2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology / Medicine: Mr. Three who Elucidated the Mechanism of the Brain to Understand the Space | Nikkei Science

【Reading impressions】 To not be fooled by "fake medicine" - amber color quotes

Successfully realizing "telepathy" scientifically: Harvard University researchers «WIRED.jp

Elephant and rat, sleep well ... Sleep time depends on "fuel consumption": Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Changes in sleeping time after adulthood are generally as follows.

(1) Sleep time is shortened by 10 minutes every 10 years.

(2) Nighttime midway awake time increases by 10 minutes every 10 years.

(3) There is no big change in the time it takes to get to bed. Even if you compare 20s and 80s, the difference is less than 10 minutes.

(4) The rate of deep sleep in sleep time decreases about 2% every 10 years.

Sleeping time is shallow and shorter at a glance, obviously, without questioning (Figure 1). I heard the scolding voice saying "I do not want to hear stories that have neither dreams nor hopes", but this is the reality. By the way, sleeping sleep (REM sleep) does not decrease so much even for years.

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Plan to participate in the Japanese "Islamic country" or NHK news

Several people, including a 26 - year - old man who is currently taking a leave of absence at Hokkaido University, are in search of circumstances, and the Metropolitan Police Department has searched men 's relationships in Suginami - ku and other areas on Saturday.
According to the Metropolitan Police Department's survey, college students are planning to travel to Syria as a combatant to the Islamic extremist group "Islamic countries" which will expand their forces in Iraq and Syria, There are doubts about the criminal law 'preliminary warfare and conspiracy' which prohibits preparations and conspiracy for the purpose of fighting acts on.

Www.fnn-news.com: "Muslim country" combatant case Hitoi student's man "If you can not kill yourself"

The home of a journalist who interviewed was also being searched for a house on the 6th.
A free journalist, Mr. Kosuke Tsunzuoka, said, "Seven investigators from the Metropolitan Police Department Public Security Division came and seized wastefully of the equipment we were preparing for." (Hokkaido university) If it were not going to Syria , I will definitely commit suicide next year, so even if I die in Syria, I have not said anything to say "There is no change at all". "
The man, looking at a villa who wants to enter Syria at a bookstore handling Akihabara's books, planned to enter Syria via Turkey by arranging a former university professor who has traveled to Syria, planning to enter Syria via Turkey, I planned to depart from.

Gasa entered into Tsuno Oka Hiroshi's house! Updated on 14th July - Hitoshi Takane's "Evil Improvisation" Diary

Those confiscated,
Three hard disks, three SD cards, three smartphones and a total of eight mobile phones, two video cameras, two digital cameras, business cards, scripts of TV programs and so on.
Is the data on the recording medium the primary objective?
I confiscated my passport and cash and confirmed it and returned it.
Mr. Tsukaoka said that cameras are necessary for interviewing, but when asked when it will come back, he said, "Because it depends on the progress of the investigation, I do not know how many weeks or months later".

"Work place: Syria" Job seeker in Akihabara Participation plan: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Ssig33.com - About going to Muslim country (who is supposed to be)

Who was going to go?

I am a person called People Plus.
What kind of person is it?

He is a man who hangs around the share house called Asjiga in Asagaya and has tried nothing. It is not like the extreme left.

Testimonials by stakeholders - Togetter Summary

Article 9, Why the Nobel Prize Top Prediction "Empathy with the Walk After the War": Asahi Shimbun Digital

Makgeolis: Heavyweight female seized smuggled women Kyoto reputation as "delicious" - Mainichi Newspapers

We notified them to pay about 700,000 yen for each additional taxation and fine, and the women paid the full amount. Makgeolli that the woman smuggled spreads in word of mouth as "delicious" and sold at least several million yen to local eating and drinking establishments etc. in two years.

(Media Times) Comfort women coverage Reporter's family also attack: Asahi Shimbun Digital

According to Mr. Uemura, after that, harassing calls started to be taken from people who are not familiar at home. The phone number of the home not open to the net was posted. A photograph of the eldest daughter of a high school student entered the real name with the real name on the net. "There is no choice but to drive until committing suicide." "I want you to go out of Japan," I was written. The first son's classmate was mistaken for the same name as the eldest son, and was slandered as "kokoro no kid" on the net.

Harassment and slander still cease, Mr. Uemuri asks the provider to delete bad writes through lawyers, but deletion can not catch up.

Why is the coup d'etat repeating in Thailand - Is the future of democratization of Thail dark? / Fumiko Toyama / Thai Politics, Comparative Political Science | SYNODOS - Synodos -

On May 22, 2014, a coup occurred again in Thailand. Since the Constitutional Revolution in 1932 that beat the absolute monarchy, it has become the 13th coup d'etat, since the 21st century it has become the second coup.

Although the coup has been caught like a Thai tribe, in the 1990s it was thought that the coup would no longer occur. It was said that this time too, the coup will not happen for reasons such as the relationship between Prime Minister Inrak and the General Commander of the Army of Prajitas being good, considering the international influence, and so on.

However, the coup occurred. Why has the coup in Thailand continues to occur in the 21st century? In this paper, I will explain the reasons from a longer-term perspective and the two new constitutions that were newly enacted since the 1990s caused two coup ditters since the beginning of the 21st century, this time the coup d'etat I want to explain the possibility that the purpose of information control itself, and the possibility that concern over the throne succession may be involved behind it. Also, I would like to anticipate future developments.

The "hollowing out" of global companies that "yen depression is coming" in avenomics does not return to the original: JBpress (Japan Business Press)

McDonald's, the last deficit to 17 billion yen in the current fiscal year for the first time in 11 years: Achievement News: Company: Market: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

【Home Appliances】 BIC camera net profit upwardly revised up to 4 times highest profit, high price consumer electronics towing

# Takeo City problem: criminal charges with fraud charges for mayor Takeo Saga prefecture

Police officers and male students settle money Request partner for sexual harassment: Asahi Newspaper Digital

Bic camera introduces "Big super fast delivery" which delivers goods in as short as 30 minutes at all stores - Phile-web

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Marti's stick ramen, raised price for the first time in seven years "already limit": Asahi Shimbun Digital

【WS】 Original stool making with cardboard! - house publishing blog

The condition of the guy "caught" in the circula - I hate that girl

What is the man who is caught in the circula?

Q, when I was a university I was at the Otasar, but the only girl with a huge voice was withered by getting the most cute girl with haste. On the other hand, those who have talent as a painting have received the impression that they are easily attached to geek girls as well. Otaku If you have a talent for hobbies or if you do not have a mind that does not matter how others look at you, how do you stay around as a love affair? (Original Mom)

Misuse stupid "What? Wwwww Since the majority have misused it now, how to use that is right wwwwwwww": Kini speed

Self-study study method taught by Tokyo University - Blog to learn from books in reading

Shock of old age bankruptcy 2 million shops There is no money, but there is pride "Person who goes bankrupt" "Not doing" One faced by 16 people over the age of 65 who was a division here | Wisdom of the wise | Modern business [Kodansha]

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Withdrawal from electronic dictionary business | Seiko Instruments Inc.

Seiko Instruments Inc. (abbreviation: SII, President: Masayuki Murakami, Headquarters: Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture) announced that it has decided to withdraw from the electronic dictionary business as of the end of March 2015.

Our company started the electronic dictionary business from 1987. In 1992, we released a full content type electronic dictionary "TR700" which contains all the character information of the English-Japanese / Japanese Kanji dictionary for the first time in the industry, and new value to quickly search the same contents as the paper dictionary from the keyboard We have offered it. Since that time, we also released electronic dictionaries that suit students, businessmen and medical professionals, to support business practices and language learning.

However, as the market matures, the demand for electronic dictionaries can not be expected to grow due to the shrinking market for electronic dictionaries and the spread of smart devices such as smartphones and tablets. As of March 31, 2015, manufacturing , We decided to end sales. We sincerely thank you for your patronage of Seiko Instruments' electronic dictionary products for a long time.

"Please support equality in pictograms" Unicode-INTERNET Watch

Empty the Pandora's box with emoji, so we only have to pay for the cost.

Adtech is dead. | Ameblo, president of microadd

Samsung smash dropped by 60% NHK News

Number of exhibitors at SeaTech, historical lowest updated Sony's spirit, spurring declining presence (1/3 page) - SankeiBiz (Sankei Biz)

VAIO | Prototype Tablet PC

Main specifications of the prototype introduced this time
Processor: Intel Core processor H Processor line (Quad-Core processor)
Graphics Accelerator: Intel Iris Pro
Liquid crystal display device: screen size 12.3 type (3: 2) / resolution Over Full HD 2560 × 1704 (250 DPI) / color gamut Adobe RGB coverage ratio 95%
Main input / output: SuperSpeed ​​USB (USB 3.0) port x 2 / HDMI output x 1 / Mini Display Port x 1 / headphone output stereo, mini terminal / network (LAN) 1000 BASE - T / SDXC card slot (UHS - II) x 1

[Review] Try remote viewing of nasne on a detached island trip in Nagasaki - AV Watch

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Isozaka Koji talks about Garpan · Ship this "I think it is good as an introduction" - Real Live

【Seminar】 Why are they so attractive and cute? ... What is the illustration production process in "Idol Master" written by the developers | Social Game Info

Recent reasons for lack of female protagonist in Ranube for men - Togetter Summary

NAMCO BANDAI Official Voice-attached novel "Boin Nove" | NAMCO BANDAI Games official website

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Rain Suzuka, why did the tragedy happen? F1 world that prays for Bianchi's safety safely. (1/3) [F1 pit stop] - Number Web - Number

Inaba, Tanaka Kensuke's return report directly to the principal wwwww: Polly bulletin

【2014 version】 picture of the pitcher whose winning star was erased Sled: N J Baseball flash

Today De Kubo wins, Rakuten Rikou takes away more than five strikeouts: Nanjiashi stadium @ N J summary

12: Wind blowing if nothing @ \ (^ o ^) / 2014/10/06 (Monday) 22: 11: 09.84 ID: /KOuCyc1.net
Title holder mass production Hanshin and cage, second place pattern

Yes, Let's watch baseball [final] Giant God Cadobe

Summer of 2014 Summer · Part 2

The copyright of my work is managed by JASRAC. Since the other party knew at the point of contact, naturally JASRAC thinking that it is useless to say to the partner, I thought that it was useless, when I explained the circumstances by telephone, this answer came back . "Well, that's the only way we can talk with each other"

PVC Figure: Vocal song Entry ... spread selection range or rule amendment - Mainichi Newspaper

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
Rugged tablet TOUGHPAD FZ-B2 launched (corporate use) | press release | news | Panasonic corporate information | Panasonic

Image of MUJI's popular curry! Twelve release curry and rice using rice mixed with millet! It is! | Topics | FamilyMart

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Headline news on October 6, 2014 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt