Paper craft that can sense the size of iPhone 6 · iPhone 6 Plus appeared

4.7-inch "iPhone 6" and 5.5-inch "iPhone 6 Plus" were held at 10 o'clock on September 9, 2014 local timeApple's new recitalIt was showcased in. With a seamless design, a larger screen than the previous iPhone is used, but a PDF file that can create a paper craft that understands its sizeArs TechnicaIt was released from.

How big is the iPhone 6 Plus? Find out with our handy paper template | Ars Technica

Download begins by clicking "Download the PDF" at the bottom left of the web page.

This is a PDF file.

So I actually tried printing.

I will cut the printed paper iPhone with scissors.

This is the size of iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus. On the far left is the real iPhone 5.

First of all, I will check the size feeling of the actual iPhone 5.

IPhone 6 is slightly longer vertically than GALAXY S4, and the width is slim.

This is about as much as a woman has in hand. Compared with the iPhone that I had fitted in my hand, it feels a little popping out.

This looks like it is operating.

The iPhone 6 Plus is smaller than the iPad mini Retina display, about the same height as Rakuten's e-book reader kobo glo. It is slightly larger than GALAXY S4.

Compared to Xperia Z Ultra, it is a little smaller, but there are similar ones.

Taking it in my hand is quite large.

The feeling of operation is as follows.

Also, pictures comparing the size of actual machines are also released.

Hands-on with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, Apple's first crack at big phones | Ars Technica

Compared to actual devices of iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, it is like this.

The back side.

This is the setting screen.

The photos are also displayed on the big screen, so it seems easy to check.

The impression of the person who actually touched iPhone 6 is "It is very easy to hold, and people who have used a lot of Android can use without impossibility". The iPhone 6 Plus has 16GB of $ 299 for iPhone 6 with 16GB for $ 199 (about 20,000 yen), 64GB for $ 299 (about 30,000 yen), 128GB for $ 399 (about 40,000 yen) Ars Technica says "It will be used by a lot of people," because it is a lower price range (about 30,000 yen), 64 GB for 399 dollars (about 40,000 yen) and 128 GB for 499 dollars (about 50,000 yen) I expect it.

in Mobile,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log