There is so much the external recognition sensor of Google's automatic driving car that realizes automatic driving

BySaad Faruque

Development of an automatic driving car that recognizes surrounding cars and pedestrians, the computer performs appropriate operation according to traffic conditions, and carries it to the destination simply by riding it has been acceleratingly developing It is. It leads the self-driving technology greatlyGoogle's automatic driving carIt is like this when putting together the sensors mounted on.

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Automatic driving cars can drive by accurately grasping the changing circumstances and changing commands and giving commands to the power system accordingly. In other words, the "eyes" of an automatic driving car can be said to be self-driving kimo. Sensors that become "eyes" of the Google automatic driving car are as follows.

· Sonar
The Google automatic driving car has a sonar that detects objects by sound waves. This sonar covers a distance of about 6 meters in the horizontal 60 degree range.

· Stereo camera
The Google automatic driving car acquires information on the depth direction by shooting images with slightly different angles of view with multiple camerasStereo cameraEquipped. Just like human eyes, we can get 3D information using parallax. The stereo camera has a viewing angle of about 50 degrees in the horizontal direction and about 10 degrees in the vertical direction and it is possible to see through 30 meters away.

By using these sensors, you can reproduce with GIF animation (about 6 MB) if you click on the image below if you know how Google's automatic driving car perceives its surroundings.

· Location camera
The position identification camera for accurately specifying the place where the vehicle is traveling from the surroundings has a viewing angle of about 75 degrees in the horizontal direction and about 90 degrees in the vertical direction and the maximum recognition range is about 10 meters.

A device called Lidar (Rider) which measures the distance by using a laser is turning around attached to the roof of Google automatic driving car. The rider installedHDL-64EThe maximum measurable distance is about 100 meters at about 30 degrees in the vertical direction. "This high-performance laser device is the heart of the Google automatic driving car," as technical director of the automatic driving car projectChris Armson"He says.

Furthermore, in order to detect the surrounding objects, the Google automatic driving car is equipped with three radar detectors for the front bumper and one radar detector for the rear bumper. As with the cruise control system, when the radar finds a car traveling in the front, it automatically decelerates and keeps the distance between vehicles. How far this radar can reach is 200 meters.

ByPhil Dokas

· Position sensor
On the left rear of the Google Autonomous Car there is a position sensor that detects movement in the side direction and adjusts it so that it can travel accurately on Google map.

ByEddie Codel

Speaking of why Google Autonomous Car is making use of so many sensors, it means not only to improve the accuracy of information by collecting multiple information but also to ensure safety. For example, when the fog is dense and information can not be acquired with the camera, it is a feeling that it supplements with information from the radar. The Google automatic driving car also uses multiple high-performance sensors so that human beings utilize not only vision but also hearing and others.

in Software,   Hardware,   Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log