I tried eating "Miyudo's drink tea" Premium Yam "sticking to the texture, flavor, hidden taste

"The commitment to Mabo Tofu was reproduced in the noodle menu"Mabo tofu noodles(Marbau Uufumen) ", a soup with a spicy iced taste"Acid noodles(Suratramen) ", a dish was taken with the head of fried shrimp"Shrimp noodles(Shrimp Tamen) ", Szechuan chefsKenichi ChenMr. Donut supervised by "Premi-Yum (Premium)Will be sold for a limited time from September 3 (Wednesday).

Supervised by Chen Ken-ichi Premium | New Items | Mister Donuts

"Orange ChocolatFollowing the series, I will try tasting with Mister Donuts.

Although donuts are lined up in shops ... ...

This time I ordered "Mabo Tofu noodle (Maru Boofumen)" "Oshima noodles (Suratamen)" "Shibai no yu noodle (shrimp tanmen)" from the new product premium series. Both are 486 yen including tax.

First of all I will try to eat "noodle soup noodle (Suratramen)" which is topped with ingredients such as pork, sausage, komatsuna and shiitake on top of the noodles.

The color of the soup is bright red and it looks very spicy ... ....

When I try to eat it I feel the spicy spicy oil. The red one floating on the surface was rice oil, but the acidity of the vinegar is so strong that I do not feel any obsessive with that, I feel refreshed. It is not so painful to eat, but as ginger is used it keeps eating and it makes the body warmer, it is a two-step spicy.

Kozuma and toppings ... ...

Ingredients containing pork and other ingredients.

Subsequently, "Shiba no yu noodle (shrimp tan men)".

I have plenty of pretty shrimp.

I feel like I'm taking the mush on the head of fried shrimp, and I feel the seafood flavor is terribly terrible. Since the editorial staff who tasted said that "Chinese noodle ramen tastes", it may be the authentic taste.

It is a mellow soup with richness, it is not the only one among the three kinds of ramen released this time, so if you are not good at hard things, asking this is correct.

The last is "Mabo Tofu Noodle (Mahruboufumen)"

A lot of Mabako Tofu is stuck on the noodle plenty.

Mabo tofu has a taste firmly up to tofu, it is not a bitter spicy but spreading jiwiwa, but I also feel the scent of distinctive spices as well as being spicy. If you like ethnic dishes such as spices, try it once and it's a worthy taste.

Mabo tofu is using "Pucheden pea plate sauce" peculiar to Sichuan Province using ripe peppers and skewers. Although it is cited as a characteristic of Pycheen pea board sauce, it is cited that Mabo tofu noodles are also less moist than marketed linen tofu.

Although I wanted a little more punch if it is a hot spirit lover, the mellow taste of tofu and minced meat was well-balanced and was easy to eat.

The "Premium Yam" series will be released on September 3, 2014 (Wednesday), and the sales will be gradually scheduled to end in March 2015.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log