Wikipedia, which is constantly recruiting donation, supports donation in virtual currency Bitcoin
Wikipedia does not post adsSo we are seeking donations from time to time, and it is now displayed as Decadeca at the top of the site to ask the reader to donate. The Wikipedia Foundation of Wikipedia, a non-profit organization that manages Wikipedia, is responsible for server costs and staff personnel expenses to manage websites using funds gathered from these donations,The operating funds will be 875,000 dollars (about 100 million yen) in three months,In other words, it is said that about 400 million yen of funds are needed in one year, so it is clear why you are seeking donations frequently. Such Wikipedia corresponded to the donation at Bitcoin in order to gather a lot of activity funds, but we succeeded in obtaining a large amount of donation in one week from correspondence.
The Coinbase Blog - Wikimedia Foundation Receives More Than $ 140,000 in Bitcoin Donations in First Week
The beginning of the thing started on 7th March 2014, when Jimmy Wales, the founder of the Wikimedia Foundation, was interested in the virtual currency Bitcoin and tweeted that "I am playing with bit coin today" to start.
Playing with BTC today: I just bought 0.1 bitcoin with@ CoinbaseIt is!
- Jimmy Wales (@ jimmy_wales)2014, March 6
After this tweet, Bitcoin users on Twitter gathered with Walla Walla, and eventually Mr. Wales' Bitcoin address gathered more than 1 million yen donation by Bitcoin. More details can be found in the following article.
The virtual currency Bitcoin gathers one after another as a donation to Wikipedia under the initiator of Wikipedia - GIGAZINE
After that, Mr. WalesCreate pages on redditThen, from experience that he succeeded in collecting donations by Bitcoin in an unexpected manner, it is revealed that the next Wikimedia Foundation's Board of Directors will make an agenda on whether Wikipedia should allow donations from Bitcoin It was.
Hello from Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia: Bitcoin
And now, Wikipedia is able to donate at Bitcoin. To make a donation to Wikipedia with Bitcoin, bring mouse cursor to the request portion of donation that continues to be displayed at the top of the site for more than a month or more ... ....
Click "Other donation methods".
Then, "Bitcoin" has been added while multiple donation methods are displayed.
Donate Bitcoins "at the bottom of this page has made it possible to make a donation at Bitcoin, but it was only a few days ago that I corresponded to Bitcoin, so there is no explanation in Japanese yet.
Donation by Wikipedia using Bitcoin is one of the Bitcoin wallet services "Coinbase"You can do it by using. According to this Coinbase, donations of 140,000 dollars (about 14.3 million yen) gathered in Wikipedia in just one week after responding to Bitcoin donation.
The Coinbase Blog - Wikimedia Foundation Receives More Than $ 140,000 in Bitcoin Donations in First Week
Coinbase commented that "From donors all over the world, donations from Bitcoin will reach 100% of the donation, so it will be a useful donation method."
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