What will happen if McDonald's and Burger King ask them to recreate a hamburger that is far from advertising photos?

Many fast-food restaurants, such as McDonald's and Burger King · Wendy's, post pictures of each hamburger at stores and other places, but in fact they ask that "experience was a different thing" There may be. A movie which tried to actually compare the difference between the advertisement photograph of such fast food shop and the real thing and compare it, and if it makes a difference will try to rebuild it is on sale.

Fast Food ADS vs. REALITY Experiment - YouTube

I upload a lot of interesting moviesMediocreFilmsMr. Greg. I was wearing sunglasses with a hidden camera to shoot the advertisement photos of the fast food and the actual condition of the real thing.

First to McDonald's, the representative of fast food.

When I opened the Big Mac I received ......

It is similar to the picture shown in the Big Mac's box, but it does not look like it.

Greg Mr. brings the burger to the cash register immediately.

"I think that it is flat and dry, unlike photographs, but .... Explain that you can make the same one as the other one?"

"Of course it is, of course, there is no problem."

A clerk who laughs at laughingly "Ha ha ha! You are the first person like you!"

So when I look at the finished ... ...

McDonald'sPublish publicly how to take studio shoots with advertising photos taken time and effortHaving a difference, it is an ordinary level, but a hamburger that is quite close to advertising photographs is completed.

The clerk is modestly saying "Thank you for your feedback."

Next time I visited Burger King.

When I opened an ordered bacon cheeseburger deluxe ......

Lettuce and bacon are unusually few, and Patty is fluent. Even though it is said to be another hamburger, it seems to be believed.

At the cashier "I am totally different from the picture, but especially bacon is terrible" I will try to say.

"Even if you make it according to the rules, some photos are far from what we make," but if you ask Mr. Greg "Can you make the same thing as a picture?" Thing.

Looking at the received burger and speaking to "get excited!" Mr. Greg opens the package ......

It became surprisingly good. It is very delicious as it strokes the first time.

Fast food chain stores selling hamburgers and tacosJack In The BoxArrival in.

Although I purchased two tacos ... ...

The amount of salsa sauce and cabbage is small, and the cheese has neither shadow nor shape.

"The ordered tacos are different from the photos of the website," explains.

Then a person who looks like a manager appeared. When asked "I can make the same thing as a photo" by Mr. Greg, "Manager is a problem commenter" of course.

A remake reached as soon as "Are you OK with this feeling?"

When Greg says, "It is exactly the same as the photo!", "Because you are the only one!" Tsundere manager.

As a result of rebuilding, it has become about twice the volume of the 1st time, and cheese as well is putting out a face. It feels like it gets more luxurious than the photos.

In Japan, shops are getting smaller, to Wendy 's, where square shaped patties are characteristic.

Those ordered do not see onion or pickles at all compared to pictures, the patty thickness is totally different.

When comparing the store clerk with the photo of the smartphone and explaining the difference, the clerk took away the hamburger silently.

Then I was told that "I got a wonderful hamburger!" And check the things passed in place ......

A hamburger with a different height appeared.

As you can see from the comparison it is getting pretty good.

I heard that Mr. Greg said, "There are other people like me?" I heard that no one ever exists. "Everyone is hungry so I can just eat them."

Finally, I visited Burger King again.

We ordered Wapper which is the main product of Burger King.

As I opened it, "What a thing, it's really nice!" Greg is surprised.

There is not much difference when compared with the photograph. That's why Burger King 's Wapper is cleared at once, it is the only remake pear.

Go to the cashier and say "It's a great hamburger! It is the same as the photo on the website!", I am pleased that "Oh, really?" Every shop is just making it according to the manual, so all of the rebuilds are outside the manual, but it may be that Burger King is putting special emphasis on Wapper.

Mr. Greg wrote that "If hamburgers I asked were a hype, I can get better hamburgers by asking the clerk to recreate it!"

in Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log