I have tasted Frappuccino using one whole banana of Starba's first life

With last time limited itemFrappuccino using lemonStarbucks who released the banana, this time using a whole banana "Fresh Banana & Caramel Cream Frappuccino"When"Fresh Banana & Chocolate Cream FrappuccinoWe are selling it from Wednesday, April 16. I went to the shop at the store as soon as it was the first product using raw fruit of Starbucks.

Product Information | Starbucks Coffee Japan

Arrived at Starbucks coffee.

Also appeal new items at stores.

Wait for your order alongside the cash register.

Also appeal to two kinds of Frappuccino using banana in the menu. I will try ordering.

Waiting 3 minutes fresh banana & caramel cream Frappuccino and fresh banana & chocolate cream Frappuccino arrived. The size being sold is only tall.

Fresh Banana & Caramel Cream Frappuccino has caramel and white chocolate fabric brownies and cream · caramel sauce on caramel flavette with banana.

Above the whipped cream, plenty of light brown caramel sauce.

Frappuccino is slightly brown, and you can check the remnant of the seeds of banana.

First of all, if you scoop the cream and eat it, there are no bananas in particular, so slightly bitter caramel sauce and cream taste will spread. Brownie was a moist texture like soft cookie, it fits well with cream.

The fruit of the banana is contained in the caramel-flavored frappuccino, and the taste of milk, banana, caramel is mixed, and it is not bad as a combination. The banana is not dared to completely melt, it is finished to leave a nice texture. It is difficult to adjust the amount of raw banana, but because it sticks to using raw bananas, this time seems to be limited to the development of tall size only.

Fresh Banana & Chocolate Cream Frappuccino is a dish containing chocolate brownie, whipped cream, chocolate sauce on chocolate flavored chocolate flavored with flesh of banana.

There are plenty of chocolate sauce on top of the cream.

Brownies can be checked under the cream.

Frappuccino has white milk color and chocolate color separated.

If you scoop up the cream part and eat it, whipped cream and chocolate brownie have good compatibility, thick taste spreads in your mouth. I could hardly feel the bitterness of chocolate, it was sweetly finished.

Banana and chocolate also have a good compatibility. Chocolate bananas sold at stalls are quite large, but the banana is slightly smaller than the whole amount of Frappuccino, so the taste of banana is added to Milk chocolate flavoring Frappuccino. Like the caramel taste of Frappuccino, the texture of the banana remains firm and you can enjoy a nice texture.

Fresh Banana & Caramel Cream Frappuccino and Fresh Banana & Chocolate Cream Frappuccino is a bullish price setting of 610 yen excluding tax, with tall size only. If you like bananas, you may try eating.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log