Finally I ate the last part of the trilogy "Garigari Kimi Rich Napolitan Taste" ahead

Akagi dairy industry in 2012Garrigali you rich corn potage· In 2013Garigari Kimi Rich Clair Aunt's Stew TasteI have sold too innovative ice, but as the last part of the trilogy "Garrigali Rich Napolitan tasteWe will sell it from Tuesday, March 25. Speaking of Napolitan is not spaghetti, but a new ice cream with tomato jelly and shaved ice. I found a shop that I can get on the previous day so I bought it and tried it.

Garrigali Rich Napolitan Flavor New Release | Akagiri Milk

Garrigali Rich Napolitan taste has three kinds of patterns in the package.

Pictures of Garrigal and Napolitan are drawn. Is this really an ice cream ...?

It is tomato jelly · napolitan flavor shaved ice · napolitan taste ice cream.

One calorie is 159 kcal.

Raw materials include sugar, tomato jelly, tomato paste, chicken, pork and so on. The raw material is chaos.

Orange ice creates when opening. I will try to eat terribly.

From the ice of the napolitan flavor on the surface, not only tomatoes but also the taste of spices are felt. It feels sweet and salty, finished in a taste that I can not think of as very ice cream. A bad person may abandon eating with a bite.

Napolitan flavored shaved ice is a sharp texture, just shade of napolitan taste. This taste seems to divide liking.

Tomato jelly in it has a texture like gummy, you can feel the taste of tomato. Gumi 's texture is good accent in ice shakushaku. I did not know at all what the rice is rich.

The price is 126 yen including tax. It may be an explosive hit by everyone's acceptance, so it seems better to challenge those who are eating the first and second works earlier.

in Gastronomic Adventure,   Pick Up, Posted by darkhorse_log