Harry Potter 'Potter Verse' that visualizes human relationships in the world based on balance theory


Harry Potter Visualizing the relationships in the world looks like this.
The dots on the graph indicate each character, and when you hover over them, the character name and brief description will appear. As the main character, many lines extend from Harry Potter.

Positive connections are written in yellow and negative connections are written in green. In the case of

It is based on ' Social Balance Theory ' by Hokky Situngkir and Deni Khanafiah , who developed Fritz Heider's balance theory. What is balance theory? 'I like what I like and dislike what I like,' 'I hate what I dislike and I like what I dislike.' The idea is that the state is emotionally most balanced, and the aversive feelings among the three change to fit the scheme.
Therefore, in the figure below, when three humans have a mutual relationship, the state in which all three are in favor of each other (Fig. T3) and the enemies in common with the two friends are mutual. The state in (Fig. T1) is balanced, one is in a friendship with the other two, but the two are hostile (Fig. T2) and all three are hostile. The state of being (Fig. T0) is unbalanced. To put it more simply, T3 means 'friend of a friend is a friend', and T1 means 'friend of a friend is an enemy' or 'friend of an enemy is an enemy'.
(PDF file) cmnNbrsFrac-wikiVote.eps --triads-chi10.pdf
Even in PotterVerse, it is possible to know whether the relationship between the three is T3, T1, T2, or T0.
According to a study (
For example, the number of T3 'friends of friends is friends' relationships, which are said to be well-balanced, is 449, which is the largest number among mutual relationships.

It turns out that Harry Potter's family,

Furthermore, the triangle indicating T1 'Friend's enemy is an enemy' or 'Enemy's friend is an enemy' is as follows. There are 319 in total.

For Petunia Evansley and Vernon Dursley, who hate magic,

In addition, the number of unbalanced relationships such as 'I really like it because it's something I like, but I hate it' has decreased to 50 in total.

Harry's best friend

The minimum number of negative triangles where dislikes are gathered is 13.

Harry Potter's best friend

In addition, in the

As you can see from the graph below, which shows the relationships, the relationships between the 65 characters in Harry Potter are quite dense, unlike the social connections that tend to be dilute.

On the other hand, balance theory measures relationships based on likes and dislikes, but there is also the idea that not only likes and dislikes but also status affects the relationship between the three parties. This is common on social media and means that acting as 'this person is my friend' in the connection between people also means that 'this person has a higher status than me'. Conversely, if you decide that your status is lower than you, you act as if you hate that person.
However, for example, when there is a positive connection from A to B and from B to C, a positive connection from C to A should be created based on the balance theory, but A is B based on the status theory. Feels that he is in a higher position than himself, and B feels that C is in a higher position than himself, so C should see A lower than himself and create a negative connection. The Harry Potter world may not always be a well-balanced world, as the two may come to the opposite conclusions, but it is questioned as 'weak relationships'. It is certain that it is not such a light night world.

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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log