Kickstarter's total investment exceeded 100 billion yen, from Japan 730 million yen · Approximately 25,000 people have already been financed

In local time on March 3, 2014, the total investment in Kickstarter exceeded 1 billion dollars (100 billion yen). Until now, the number of users who have invested in Kickstarter exceeds 5.7 million people, and 224 countries and regions of people seem to have supported various projects.

One Billion Dollars

Kickstarter 's service started on April 28, 2009. Seven projects were built on the first day, and 40 investors contributed a total of 1084 dollars (about 110,000 yen).

From that point on, we achieved steady growth, and on 3 March 2014, finally the total investment exceeded the one billion dollar mark.

The total investment is over 1 billion dollars, but it also includes the amount of money that the investor gathered but did not reach the target amount of the project and the investor actually did not give out the money.Kickstarter's official pageAccording to the fact that the probability of the project reaching the target amount is about 44%, the project is established at 80% or more of the total investment amount, and it can be seen that the project has been financed for those whose main products and services are decided .

Also, Kickstarter is collecting a lot of investment from around the world. Especially in the United States many investments are gathered, the investment gathered from here is about 66% of the total.

The total investment from Japan seems to be the seventh largest, and the total amount is about 7.14 million dollars (730 million yen), and it seems that about 25,000 people have contributed.

According to Kickstarter, there are about 1.69 million users who have invested in one or more projects so far, there are about 16,000 users who have invested in more than 50 projects.

There are 13 investors who have the user name "Dad (father)", 5 others "Grandpa (grandpa)", 17 people "Grandma (grandma)", "Mom (mother) There are also 18 people. Is it that many Kickstarter users make equity investments with the feeling of watching children and grandchildren?

Looking at the total investment amount by day of the week, it seems like this, especially on Wednesday the investors will provide assistance. And on weekends apparently money gathering seems to be bad.

If you indicate the total investment amount on a date basis, you can also see that the investment gathered often in the middle of the month, and the amount of investment is gradually decreasing toward the end of the month there.

The first investment total so far was on March 13, 2013. A total of over 4 million dollars (about 400 million yen) gathered, with 54,187 people contributed.

You can also see how much a billion dollars are worth seeing by looking at the figure below.

With a billion dollars it is possible to ride a New York subway 400 million times.

In addition, we can manufacture 44,555 robot cups.

Furthermore, the market value of Instagram is about 1 billion dollars ... ...

It seems that the Colosseum in Rome is estimated to be about 1 billion dollars.

On the special page established in commemoration of the total investment total exceeding 1 billion dollars, Kickstarter's excellent investors and others are also introduced, and there seems to be some strong people who have invested in over 1,000 projects so far is.

Furthermore, despite the absence of a Japanese version in Kickstarter, about 25,000 people are also gathering investors, so it should be seen that there is considerable potential for cloud funding, and even in Japan Similar cloud funding sites are in various places, but it seems that considerable changes will occur in the situation as Kickstarter, etc. of the original headquarters become fully Japanese and able to invest even in Japan living.

in Note, Posted by logu_ii