When you put RGB color 2,097,152 colors in one image, it becomes like this

RGBA display such as a liquid crystal display on which an image is represented is composed of small light points, each of which is represented by a combination of red, green and blue three colors. By adjusting the brightness of red, green, and blue at one point, we can express more kinds of colors, but Jozsef Fejes who is "a genuine geek" can express with RGB 2.9 million 7152 I challenge the challenge of putting colors in one image and publish the created images and movies.

All RGB colors in one image | Joco blog

First, Fejes worked on creating an image with a resolution of 256 × 128 px with a 15-bit color, which gives a total of 33,768 colors, with 32 gradations per primary color. The image is saved in PNG format corresponding to all RGB colors.

The color is expressed so that it spreads from the center of the image towards the periphery.

Here are countless colors spreading from the top left of the image.

It seems that small leaves are scattered throughout the image.

You can see red and blue patterns in this image.

Next, Fejes challenged the creation of an image with a resolution of 512 × 512 px with 18-bit color which will be a total of 260 2144 colors, allocating 64 gradations per primary color. You can see that the image created in 3 minutes using the program created for this challenge has obviously a variety of colors than 15 bit color one.

Fejes finally challenged to create an image of 2048 × 1024px with 2,197,172 colors 21-bit color. I succeeded in creating the image, but it seems it took 8 hours at the maximum to make one piece.

For colors whose color is derived from the center, their colors are randomly arranged.

This is the image that Fejes likes most, and it is said that colors are arranged according to hue rather than random.

This is very similar to the first image, but it is created with a different algorithm from the first one.

The image below is a mixture of the 2nd and 3rd images, the overall impression is dark.

Also, Fejes has released a movie of the process of making 4 images created with 21 bit color, which can be confirmed from the following.

All RGB colors in an image 1080p - YouTube

Numerous colors began to spread like drawing a circle from the center of the screen.

We are expressing various colors while expanding in size.

The way the image is formed is mysterious in a sense.

This time, it seems that an image whose color scheme is determined by hue is created. At the start of creation it feels like a small pattern.

As it spreads to the left of the screen, it changes from red to pale orange.

Then it turns yellowish green ...

A blue part will be created.

At the moment, Fejes is assigning new brightness of 256 gradations per primary color as a new challenge, and it is said that an image is being created with a total of about 16.77 million colors packed in one sheet.

in Video,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log