How should we deal with a number of troubles occurring around the world around the bicycle

The shocking development that the PC flew to the tent to the place where it started to stop and depressed. The tent that got a momentary gap and rolled out into the wilderness was desperate to chase, it was also false, it faded away toward Bolivia far. The bicycle journey around the world is a series of problems, broken or lost.

Hello,Around the World Bicycle WorldIt is Takuya Sudo @ Chaliderman. I would like to have everything going without everyday, but I do not readily go that way. Recently I was hit by the rain in Patagonia, everything got drenched. Every time trouble happens in the journey, we must do something. This time I tried collecting records of such troubles. I am glad that there is some useful information.

◆ PC does not move
From Bolivia "Jewel's Road"When I ran off-road and passed through to Chile, my PC stopped running. I was able to start up in safe mode for a couple of days, but in a situation where I feel frustrated and repeatedly turning on and off does not work at all. You can not mess around with a tent without power. The first town of Chile's Atakama that finally arrived was too small to exceed the population of 100,000CalamaMove to repair. Since there was a shop dealing with PC parts, eventually I exchanged the HDD. I can not grasp the cause of the movement but the PC is recovering.

Laptops are temporarily returning home while Lenovo's "X121eNew to the model called.

Turn the main body upside down and remove the screw easily to remove the lid.

Easy desorption of HDD

Old HDD made by HITACHI

I replaced it with a new HDD made by Seagate, and reinstalled Windows. Then the laptop is doing fine.

New and old HDD. The new HDD made by Seagate is a price of 49990 pesos (about 10,000 yen) at 500 GB.

Because there was data that I wanted to take out by all means, I bought an external HDD case. This was 6990 pesos (about 1,400 yen).

Open the box ......

I will install the old HDD.

HDD case connected by USB like an external HDD.

When check disk is done with the command prompt examined on the Internet, old HDD which did not move is recognized, and data is collected safely. In order not to panic in emergency, it is necessary to have a backpack backup.

◆ The tent flew away
When I moved from Atacama to Calama, I was preparing for camping as usual, and I took a tent for the gusts. Even if chasing a tent that is rolling over, the difference will spread rather than shrinking in nothing wilderness. It has disappeared from view as it is. I have searched around for something for a while, but I can not find it. I did not have to worry about the angle at which the tent was placed, and I should have put the luggage in early.

What I was usingAllied tent"Trek Rise II" model.

I was about to set up a tent in such a place.

Since I can not help it, I put a mat on the blue sheet and Extreme homeless.

However, considering future trips, it will be a problem if there is not a tent, so purchase a tie that connects at the Karama home center. It was made in China and it was 9990 pesos (about 2000 yen).

Compare the sizes with plastic bottles. Paul is also inside.

Specification that the floor is 120 cm × 200 cm, the height is 95 cm, and the weight is 1.7 kg.

When putting up a tent, it feels like this.

From the side, it looks like this. There is no fly sheet.

I have been traveling for a while with this tent. There are points that the grand seat is fluent or it is not necessary to need a knack to build a pole, but it is well done considering the price of 2000 yen. It seems to be weak against rain, but I was concerned about the case where it got off to full scale. Since the main body is supposed to play water, it is also a weak point to cause dew condensation from the inside.

After having been skipped, I had troubled my head to what to do, but I decided to send it from Japan with a new tone. We received it safely at Puerto Mon which is the entrance of Patagonia. With the same allied tent, "Trek Rise I" is chosen to be one size smaller. Because it is a short trip, I emphasized weight saving.

Working in a hotel.

I got a button at the city.

By matching the colors of the buttons, check the position of the tent body and the fly seat.

Thus I am traveling in Patagonia with a new tent.

One row is a mat, and inside a tent where packages are arranged in one row.

◆ Recent Troubles
The rim was cracking if I was tilting his head as "Do not make cotton noise while driving." It may be caused by wearing the brake on rainy day in Ecuador and scraping the rim with the metal part. The rim was a little thinner.

To Chilean capital Santiago "Mall Sport"There was a mall made of sports and outdoor shops, so I bought it because I found a rim that seems to be just right for a bicycle shop there.

Exchange to the rim of the model named "XC-LITE" of ALEXRIMS. The old one is the brand "Sun Ringle" called "Rhyno Lite XL".

To the bicycle shop with the rim on the back. I got a wheel assembled at 10,000 pesos (about 2000 yen).

However, I am worried that the length of the spoke does not match. Originally I wanted to replace everything, but it seems that it is broken if it is a bad spoke, so I diverted old spokes. The spokes that I use are models called "Champion 2.0" of the brand called DT Swiss.

Also, the mystery phenomenon where the crank is locked at the end of the jewelry road arose, but when I rotated the crank in the reverse direction I cured it so I ran to the city. When I check it calmly,Bottom bracketIt was caused by loosening.

Holo Tec II standards in the bottom bracket required a special spanner, and if I thought about doing something with a bicycle store, I bought an interesting tool and bought it. Separately 8 mmAllen key (hexagon wrench)Although it is also necessary, the bottom bracket can be removed on the front side, the back sideCrank mounting toolIt has become. It is convenient to carry because it is lighter as there is no handle.

This bottom bracket had a feeling of strangeness with the mileage exceeding 20,000 km, so I exchanged it for a new item while staying in Vina del Mar near the capital city of Santiago.

This is also the end of the jewelry road, the wire of the attachment attaching the front bag of the orthorieb is damaged. I am taking first aid with a binding band and a wire.

Just because of that, the bag will inevitably come down so we can catch it with an L bracket. Since the inside of the bag jumps out with only metal fittings, we spread the pressure with a long bar.

We will receive a camera maintenance kit such as "lens pen" and "blower" in "image sensor cleaning kit" together with the tent. I am using a single lens reflex from the Americas, but I have not considered maintenance at all.

At the end of Peru, the image sensor of the single lens reflex camera got dirty like this, although I had finished first aid with alcohol and cotton buds, I was not worried, so I cleaned it again with existing equipment.

Because the hole also opened in the air mat, the hole was closed with the repair patch of the tent, and the duct tape was pasted from the top further. For now, this is fine.

The button to open and close the front bag has also come off. I'm going to install the Velcro.

◆ Problems so far
The tires and tubes that I am having the hardest in my bicycle relationship are tied with the phone in Australia and I got stuck in the phone, and in Armenia I quickly punctured and turned back. The photo is Armenian's inn during trial and error.

In that Armenia, I tried to deal with a patch repair patch on a Buddhist valve whose base was broken. With this I ran a little, but the air leaked out from the root immediately. Since I had a rice type tube, I attached the rim hole with expansion. There are three kinds of valves for bicycle tubes, British style of mamacari, same rice formula as car, Buddhist style of road racer, but we prefer to use rice valves because base can break when treating Buddhist expression himself.

When a big scratch enters the ground contact surface of the tire or the sidewall, the tube protrudes like a rice cake, so I applied the old tip of the tire etc from inside like this.

Tires are the best for solving problems with tires. We are preparing for emergency by cutting out the sidewall of the used tire.

Even Malawi in Africa had problems with the tires and it was serious.

A tire made in China of 5 US dollars (about 500 yen) which did not have 100 km and was torn. I am scared because there is this cheapest tire.

The carrier that installed the bag was also deceiving and deceiving because the Nitto Campy of the front desk I chose first did not depend on, it was broken soon. The apex of the square frame △ is particularly weak, and it is a rough treatment day in which the whole is pressed with such metal parts and fixed. By the way, although the rear career is also Nitto Campy, here is no problem until now.

This front career was so troublesome that I wanted to throw it away, so it was renewed in Germany's reputed German tubus (Tubus) while driving in Europe. At this time I needed a front bag carrier, so I ran a continent of Africa by combining two carriers.

As this screws carrier also fixed the screws, during the temporary return home to destroy with an electric drill etc. You should grease regularly.

The rim has broken before arriving in Istanbul in Turkey. I guessed that the wheel failed to run out and the spoke tension was going wrong.

In Istanbul I replaced it with a rim of the model called "Rigida" called "SPUTNIK". Although there was no problem with this rim, the spokes exchanged together will break, so replace all spokes with thick types before entering Africa. Thanks to you I have not broken spokes in Africa.

Up to now it was an unrelated trouble, but on a journey in the Americas we are exchanging parts of the hub.

There were bearings in the hub, but there were scratches on the ball presses fixing it.

When assembling when flying to Kenya while traveling, tightened too tightly and destroyed Star Fang Ruta Nut. It is in the bottom of the fork and is responsible for fixing the ahead set and the stem.

While running running erroneously, I solved the problem because I got this part in the used bicycle market in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda.

I got it for the first time in TurkeybindingAlthough the pedal runs only in Europe, it breaks. There are two choices at the time of purchase, this is the result of choosing a cheap brand. Shimano should be high from the beginning.

Shimano replaced "PD - M520".

Also in Turkey when I set up a tent on the beach, I was invaded by a rat during bedtime, and this morning when I wake up in the morning.

Close the hole with the repair patch of the tent. It is a safety pin to stop the rail of the fastener. I was fortunate at the end of the fastener that I was bitten.

Although it had not been a problem until now, in the travel of the Americas, the screw of the side bag has come off. As I noticed it, I was holding with spare screws. I do not have a screwdriver for the orthorieb here although it requires a star driver.

The head light made in China which we procured locally because of the trouble was unbelievable and attached the light for the bicycle in this way.

The PDA used at the beginning of the trip "W-ZERO 3However, the flexible cable connecting the main body and the display seems to be damaged by the opening and closing of the sliding type body, and it became troubled because it became unusable on the way.

USB memory terminals are stupid ......

◆ Do not lose
Although I am careful, things are gone if I forget or drop them.

Towels are handy, the towels are the first of the forgotten objects.

We often lose soap and bath towels.

The stand which supports the super-heavy bicycle also loses well. What gained in Mexico for a long time was lost in the way of jewelry. Then the blue stand of the newly made picture was lost soon. Currently I am using a wooden stick.

I dented when I lost this helmet in Thailand. It is caused by removing the helmet one by one when searching for an inn. Since that time, I keep acting with my helmet attached as much as possible.

In Africa the fuel pump of cooking stoves is also lost. Because it smells gasoline, it is because it tried to clean up after drying. I bought an alternative gas cartridge stove, and I survived.

A large blunder that I forgot to hand bags in their handbags net cafe though they had attached the straps to the handbag bag. I am afraid because I can not recover the data if I lose the digital camera ....

Countermeasures are necessary for those that may be lost. I connect with my pants with a chain so that my wallet does not get lost.

I sometimes lose nail clippings so I attached a small strap.

The digital camera will not leave the waist pouch. Without a strap, it seems to get dropped somewhere.

If you keep on traveling, the trouble will certainly come. It can not be helped if we wear it every time. The important thing is not to repeat the same mistake. Therefore, it is one way to make "failure notes". I record occasionally. Patagonia also has a strong wind blowing, so it is imperative that you do not repeat a big misfortune that a tent is blown.

(Sentence / photo: Takuya S. Narou Charriderman
Cycling around the world for a bicycle
Twitter@ Shuutak

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