A figure of "Yukikotan" who personified Snow Brand Coffee appeared in one festival

Snow Brand Coffee brewing has been held in commemoration of the 50th birthday "Our project YukinakoFrom the vote, the personified character of Snow Brand Coffee is "Yukikotan"is. Such a Yukikotan became a figure further, it appeared in One Festa 2014 [winter].

Our Yukibata Project | Snow Cover Coffee | Snow Brand Meg Milk Co., Ltd.

Yukikotan showcase appeared in the general booth.

Snow covered Yukikata with expressive looks surprised with coffee.

Squirrels like coffee and milk are misted at the foot.

Snow covered coffee, not to mention around the display stand.

The package with the illustration of Yukikotan was actually selling was done.

If you are watching the exhibition stand turning round and round for a while ... ...

I can see snow pumpkin pants.

Hair decoration of Snow Brand Mark on the head.

In "Yukikotan Project of ours", we plan to produce data of Yukon figures that can be output with 3D printers under the supervision of prototype teacher Mr. Kanzo Tona. It will be published as open source after completion.

in Coverage, Posted by darkhorse_log