A beautiful girl Robo 'Unmei', which came to be able to sing a human voice and expression naturally according to the model, sangs in the voice of Hatsune Miku

A real robot with a height of 158 cm and a weight of 43 kg that was made with reference to the average value of Japanese women "HRP-4C Dreams (Meme)". That singing last yearIt was also shown at CEATEC JAPAN 2009Although it became a hot topic, the dream of this year seems to be further evolving.

Voca Wistcher (Bokura) "which automatically generates facial motion of robot by modeling" VocaListener (bokura) "which automatically generates natural singing voice as a model by human singing and a facial expression of singing person It became possible to sing more expressively more expressively than before, and it became possible to reproduce the breathing before singing and breathing when not singing,CEATEC JAPAN 2010ofAIST boothThen, I was able to see the singing appearance in a charming manner.

The movie is from the following. AIST booth at Makuhari Messe 5 Hall.

A corner of "HRP-4C Unrealized" that one piece, a crowd of people was made.

At this mini stage, I performed singing performances about once a hour.

A demonstration singing started at once. The song is "PROLOGUE 2010", the singer's voice and the syllabary by the "Sariya" who became a model for expression and the voice is "Hatsune Miku".

YouTube - Humanoid "HRP-4C Unrealized" sings with Hatsune Miku's voice "PROLOGUE 2010"

Last year's dream was to manually input music score and lyrics, make adjustments, synthesize singing voices, and had to manually create expressions, but this year's dream isVocaListener and VocaWatcherIt is the biggest difference that I was able to imitate the singing of "model" by.

By modeling people's singing, breathing and so on before singing can be reproduced, and they are approaching humans further.

YouTube - Singing out realistic "HRP-4C dreams" with breathing as well

This is a part of rust shot from a slightly different angle.

YouTube - Bishojo Humanoid "HRP-4C Unreleased" sings "PROLOGUE 2010" Part 2

This year's dream is to sing while moving your arms and hands as well.

And the finale. Even after I finish singing it is a feeling that it is pretty natural as a sort of a person's singing, such as a blink or a line of movement, a mouth breathing open faintly, and so on, as it is hitting a lingering finish.

YouTube - Hello girl humanoid "HRP-4C Yumei" sings "PROLOGUE 2010" Part 3

At the end we greeted "Thank you" and finished the stage.

YouTube - CEATEC JAPAN 2010: Greeting from "Beautiful girl Robo" HRP - 4C dreams "

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