"Porngram" which can graph which words were used frequently from more than 800,000 AV titles

ByBach Tran

In the 1950s and 1960's under the name "Freedom of Expression" in many Western countriesRestrictions on pornography are liftedAnd in Japan in the 1960'sPink movie is bornMany adult videos have been sold since then. From the database which collected 800,000 adult videos, it is possible to graph by age by just clicking on what words are frequently used in titlesPorngram"is.


This is the top page of Porngram.

Enter a word in the search window and click "Map" to automatically display the graph at the bottom of the page.

By clicking "Random", it is possible to automatically create a graph by selecting a word.

American (American), British (British), French (French), Russian (Russian), Czech (Czech), Hungarian (Hungarian), African (African), Japanese (Japanese), Chinese If you search with Arabic (Arab), the title including Japanese will be ranked 1st in 2009, it will increase further by around 2010 from momentum, in 2011 it will be in a shaky state. After that, the graph begins to descend, but we are overwhelmingly different in other countries. On the other hand, the adult video including Russian as the title was top in around 2008, but the graph suddenly dropped, which is almost the same as French and British in 2012.

Next, when examining by Japanese · Chinese · Korean (Korean) · Indian (Indian) · Malaysian (Malaysian) · Thainese (Thai), Japan still dominates the top with overwhelming difference. Indian is second, Korean opened the third with a little difference. Thai people have different notation such as "Thai" Malaysian people such as "Malay", but Malaysian · Thainese is used to unify with other things.

Nurse (nurse) · stewardess · secretary · secretary · teacher · nun · babysitter is like this. Nurse draws a big mountain-like graph between 2008 and 2012. Teacher and nun descended at a steep angle from 2008, and thereafter it is flat.

Grandfather (grandfather) · grandmother (grandmother) · father (father) · mother (mother) · brother (sibling) · sister (sister) has the following result. It is noteworthy that sister, initially it was almost zero, somehow it soared from around 2010. In addition, sister includes not only sisters but also nuns meaning.

Among the three of gay (gay), lesbian (lesbian), and bisexual (bisexual), lesbian victory.

Searching for sm · amateur (amateur) · senior (elderly) · masturbate (masturbation) · outdoor (outdoor) · groupsex (multiplayer sex act) Search around amateur and SM around 2008 was around 2011 You can see that dead heat is spreading. The SM also has notation such as "BDSM" "S / M" "S & M", but I am using the well-known "SM" in Japan.

In hot (sexy) · cute (pretty) · pretty (cute) · beauty (beautiful) of words that describe women, hot was the most used for adult video titles.

When I looked it up using Porngram, I noticed that surprising words were used for adult videos. In addition, Porngram is not compatible with Japanese.

in Review,   Web Service,   Posted by darkhorse_log