Facebook knows what product is in the user's Amazon cart
ByPaul Walsh
"It is clear that Facebook has gotten product information that users put in carts on Amazon in some way and uses that information for advertising."
The Codist
Programmer'sAndrew WolfBought a cart to discover and purchase your favorite keyboard on Amazon.com, but after a while I found the same keyboard appeared on the advertisement on Facebook page. Immediately Vuff said he noticed that information in Amazon's cart was detected on Facebook.
Although it seems like a common coincidence that goods that are not sure about purchase are seen at other site advertisements in good timing, in the case of Mr. Wolf, it says that there was a unique circumstance that can not be cleared up by chance. First of all, Mr. Wolf kept putting items in the cart without payment, as he thought that he might shop for other items after shopping the keyboard in the cart at Amazon That. Since it is possible to delete merchandise from within the cart without confirming the order at this point, it seems that there is a possibility that Facebook is aware of real-time cart information. Secondly, Logitech's keyboard chosen by Mr. Wolfe is a very unpopular product due to the strange color of green, and the possibility that this keyboard will be selected for advertisement from among the large number of items that Amazon has. To the extent that it is close to zero. For these reasons, Mr. Wolf concluded that Facebook is using advertisement in the cart information.
ByNicola Albertini
When Mr. Wolf checked the cookie, "amazon.com" and "amazon-adsystem.com" were found as Amazon-related things, but it seems that only Facebook related "facebook.com" was found. Analyzing what Facebook is doing on the page means that content informationCDNIt is difficult because of the mechanism that it is given in encrypted form via the Internet. When Mr. Wolf acquires the link image of Facebook, it is the following contents,AkamaiI only requested that I request an image from Amazon after I requested it.
& Amp; w = 110 & h = 80
& Amp; url = http% 3A% 2F% 2Fecx.images-amazon.com% 2Fimages% 2FI% 2F218yNY8bTiL._AC_SR 200% 2C144_.jpg
& Amp; rk = 221790734642435
& Amp; fi = https% 3A% 2F% 2Ffbcdn-creative-a.akamaihd.net
% 2 Fhads-ak-frc 3% 2 Fs 110 x 80% 2 F 1354 196 _ 6010 574 13 1297 _ 4617 920 14 _ n. Png
Ultimately, it was unclear whether Facebook had acquired the information of the Amazon cart in real time, but Wulff thinks that there is a problem if Facebook is displaying advertisement information in the cart. For example, there may be times when the giftee knows beforehand the items ordered at Amazon to give presents to someone. Also, Mr. Wolf points out that if Amazon's account is used for business it could cause more problems.
Since 2012 it has been confirmed that Amazon is promoting posting Amazon's item URL posted on Facebook and it was obvious that Facebook and Amazon are in an advertising strategic alliance, but this time Wolf As found by Mr. san, if Amazon and Facebook share personal information that is not publicly known as cart information, and it is used for advertisement, it seems that it contains a big problem from the viewpoint of privacy infringement.
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