Charlie man gathered interesting examples of foreign words such as "Mitsuko" that is about to blow up in the town
The Chinese "Lola head" is a natural permanent, and the Japanese movie "Shimotsuma Monogatari" is "Kamikaze Girls" when it is English.rucksackYaZeldThe origin of the word is German, conversely Japanese such as tempura and sashimi are used as it is overseas. In Africa's transportation, the motorcycle taxi of Sierra Leone was "Okada", the bus route of Ghana "Troll", and the bus route of Tanzania's bus "Daradara" was a fun name.
Hello, I have only eaten green apple in ChileTakuya Sudo @ circle around the world bicycle @ Charridermanis. "Blue" Apple is green in overseas, "Manzana verde" in Spanish, "Green apple" in English, is not it? This time I will summarize the fun of foreign languages abroad as it is. "Kartoffel" meaning German potato and "Russian" "а (картофель)", Spanish "a (y)" representing And and Russian "e (и)" are close He wanted a secret behind the words.
Japanese became a foreign language ◆
Sudoku (Sudoku), a puzzle that plays numbers with 1 to 9 in large squares with 3 × 3 small squares arranged in rows and 3 columns, is extremely popular all over the world.

The Japanese traditional culture "Origami (Origami)" is also transmitted to the world. The photo is Bolivia.

In Africa "Kung Fu (Kung Fu)" was all but in South America "Karate (Karate)" also had an understanding.

The sinfulness of the Japanese who spread "Hentai (metamorphosis)" to the world. By the way, Wikipedia uses JapaneseHentai"Although it is incomprehensible, Chinese"Change (color term)"I doubted my eyes with fulfilling fulfillment that the child could not show it.

As in Japan, signboards paying attention to "Tsunami (Tsunami)" are issued in a long coastline chile. In English it seems that there was a word "tidal wave (tidal waves)" long ago, meaning does not match, so "Tsunami" as an academic term became internationally used, and with the spread of the Internet abroad Today, the news is instantaneously conveyed, it was an ordinary word to be spoken of to the general public.

"KARAOKE (Karaoke)" is also a foreign language originating in Japan.

There is no chance to see much, "Bonsai (bonsai)", but this was also sold in the street of Mexico by Japanese accidentally becoming a foreign language.

The dog of the owner of the campground was injured suddenly with a name heard "Akita dog (Akita dog)". It happened around Australia.

Although not limited to Japanese people holding, "Sushi (Sushi)" restaurant is located anywhere in the world. Sushi is loved all over the world as a representative of Japan. Australian rotary sushi is named "sushi train".

Also in the fish relationship "Surimi (Surimi)" was generalized overseas. The picture is Polish crab kamaboko.

Apple varieties "Fuji (Fuji)" is derived from Japan,Golden Delicious·Pink Lady, Of a green appleGranny SmithAlong with supermarkets.

◆ Funny Japanese with a name
The Japanese restaurant "Samurai" is the name. I understand your feelings. The movie "Last Samurai" has become a hot topic, and Samurai may be famous overseas as well. Last samurai played a role in telling the samurai to the world in the title "El ultimo samurai" in Spanish, "Son Samuray" in Turkish, "Viimeinen samurai" in Finnish.

The sword I found in Germany was also written Samurai. A bit frustrating.

On the contrary Samurai was also attached to the name of the Colombian mixer. It seems to stir well.

A bike maker named "SUMO (Sumo)" found in Peru. I do not think I will run so fast.

On the contrary, I ran to MITSUKO (Mitsuko). I want to show it to Japanese products, but something is wrong.

Bed mat which is named "Kabuki (Kabuki)" does not give a sound sleepy image.

"NHK" I found in Bolivia was fast food of fried chicken and potato.

◆ Surprising etymology of Kataka language
The source of Ikura is Russian. It looks like Ukrainian potato chips in the photo, and Ikura is familiar food in the former Soviet bloc. Conversely if it is in English, it is stylishly named "Red caviar".

The origin of cafe au lait is French. As "cafe (coffee) au lait (milk)" meaning au is a definite article.

The etymology of Iceburn is German. With what I thought "What is Iceburn's Burn?", It was with "Autobahn" representing German highway. "Bahn" means like a road.

Sodium is not English but German origin. "Soda" which was used in the ingredient display of American instant noodles was sodium in Japan.

◆ Examples of interesting foreign languages
A dentist written as "Chinese Fang" in China. "Mistress" is about a lover, meaning that "complaint" conveys, "fire car" is a train, China seems to be close, not going on a line.

An ornament of Chinese cabbage and peanut placed in a hotel in China. It became the same rhyme as "Chinese cabbage flower student = bai cai hua sheng", and it was decorated as an lucky piece.

If you pronounce normally, it is Miro, but in Australian English it will pronounce "Miro" so please be careful. "Day (Day)" is "Die", "Lake (Lake)" is "Like", or Aussie English is pronounced differently, so a little caution is necessary.

I did not pass in Tanzania even though I told you "I want Seven Up". Because I pronounce 7 as a mackerel in the official language Swahili, saying "ah, Sabup" is said to be a sense of defeat.

Toner's "Korean ginsengWho do you think is a kind of carrots? It is a completely different plant as the name "GINSENG" written in the energy drink in the United States expresses.

"French fries"Because it is Japanese English, the meaning is hard to communicate in English-speaking countries. It's smoother to tell you that it is chips (chips) in the UK, French fries (USA).

In the French-speaking region of West Africa, we mentioned "Wi-Fi" in French as "weefei".

It is an iPhone that is becoming popular all over the world, but is not Japan about reading numbers in English although the number part is not her mother tongue? "IPhone Five" is Spanish "IPhone Cincote"In French,"IPhone thunkFor Thai language "IPhone HerIt is called.

Like iPhone, "MP3 (three)" will also be called by language. With French, "MP3 (tow)", Spanish for "MP3 (Torres)" in Chinese, "MP3 (Sun)" in the feeling.

"Tequila" of liquor is "Mexican"Tequila CityThe fact that the surrounding area is the main production area. There are certainly Toyota-shi and Hitachi city in Japan, but ....

Even if you see a word like "Library" in Latin countries, it is not a library. "Librairie" in French, "libreria" in Spanish, "libreria" in Italian, which means bookstores.

The libraries of those countries were "bibliotheque" in French, "biblioteca" in Spanish, "biblioteca" in Italian. This seems to be used in many languages such as "Bibliothek" in German, "bibliotheek" even in Dutch, "библиотека" even in Russian.

"MOTEL (motel)" in English is an abbreviation, and the official is surprised to be like "MOTTER HOTEL (motor hotel)".

I feel a remnant that used kanji for "Chu Y (attention)" in Vietnam. The country name is also coming from the kanji "Viet nam (越 南)".

Korean who became friends in Australia taught that "" Massage for 30 minutes free "," Subtle triangle relationship "is almost same for both Japanese and Korean." Even when traveling in Korea it was strange as words that heard as "chunmon (order) ~" "dandon (ballistic missile)" are linked with known Japanese.
In Spanish 8 is "ocho (ocho)", foot is "pie (Pie)". When I say "feet" which starts with the number 8 + pee starting from O (o), if I check the etymology for octopus' octopus (octopus), it seems that it came from ancient Greek and it is connected.
To pursue language, there is no end to be seen. Still it is fun, so I will continue to work hard.
(Sentence / photo: Takuya S. Narou Charriderman
Cycling around the world for a bicycle
Twitter@ Shuutak)
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