If you care about the position of the modifier, make it meaningful to the meaning of words such as Dandelion · Panacotta · Eau de Colón
Black cat is black cat in English. If this is French it is Shah · Noir, if it is Spanish it is Gateau · Negro, and opposite to Japanese and English is an adjective after the noun. With this in mind, there are many words that can be broken down into two or more. For a casual daily life that we spend, foreign languages not only in English were blended.
Hello,Takuya Sudo @ circle around the world bicycle @ Charridermanis. I did not care about it in French such as West Africa, but since I became able to speak Latin American Spanish unexpectedly, I became crazy about the adjectives that come after the noun. In Latin words such as French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, the relationship between the modifier and the modifier is opposite to English. When I put it in mind, the words that I have used until now have a solid meaning, so I tried to group them all together.
◆ Country / place name
"Monte Negro" isVenetian"Monte (mountain) + Negro (black)" comes from. One of the countries that formed the former Yugoslavia in the Balkans.
"Casa Blanca" comes from the Spanish "Casa (house) + Blanca (white)". North Africa is the largest city in Morocco.
"Sierra Leone" comes from Spanish "Sierra (mountain) + Leon (of Lion)". It is a rare former British colony in West Africa, the capital is Freetown. Together with Guinea and Liberia in neighboring countries, it is one of the topics that became a topic in the epidemic of Ebola bleeding heat.
"Puerto Rico" comes from Spanish "Puerto (harbor) + Rico (rich)". It is the American ruler, centered on Puerto Rico Island floating in the Caribbean Sea, where the vast majority of residents use Spanish on a daily basis.
"Villa hermosa" comes from the Spanish "Villa (village) + hermosa (beautiful)". It is located in the base of the Yucatan Peninsula in the southern part of Mexico and is located in the La Benta ruins parkMegalithite head statueIt is a famous place.
"Costa Rica" comes from Spanish "Costa (coast) + Rica (rich)". It is one of the countries in sub-Mexico elongated places, the capital is San Jose.
"Cote d'Ivoire" comes from French "Cote (coast) + de (of) + Ivoire (ivory)". In English, the word order is opposite to "Ivory Coast". It is the country of West Africa who also fought in Japan and the World Cup last year.
Also "Cote d'Azur" also comes from French "Cote (coast) + de (of) + Azur (blue)". In summer it is a French international recreation area where many tourists visit. There are also Cannes famous for the festival and Monaco where the F1 Grand Prix is held in Côte d'Azur.
By the way, French tends to dislike the continuation of vowels, both de Ivoire and de AzurElijionIt is abbreviated with usage called so.
◆ Confectionery, drinks
"Gauau a chocolat" is the meaning of chocolate · cake in French "gateau (cake) + au (of) + chocolat (chocolate)".
"Chou cream" is a Japanese-made loan word with French "chou" (cabbage) combined with English "cream". In French it is called "chou a la creme", in English it is called "cream puff", so the word order of Japanese is influenced by French.
"Baton d'or" comes from French "baton (stick) + de (of) + or (golden)". Guriko sells at some stores in Osaka, as a high-end version of Pocky, together with the rarity value is gaining popularity.
"Beaujolais Nouveau" means a wine in the French meaning "(Beaujolais (Beaujolais region) + Nouveau (new)." The catch phrase of repeated announcements before the lifting of the ban,Attention on the InternetIt is being done.
"Black Mont Blanc" is a French word for "white mountains" meaning "Mont (mountain) + Blanc (white)", English Black has been qualified. Famous ice cream in Fukuoka. Convenient words that contain the position of adjectives in two languages.
"Nata de Coco" in Spanish means "Nata (cream) + de (of) + Coco (coconut)".
◆ Company, entertainment
"Air France" means "Air (air) + France (France)" in French. The word order is opposite to the English "American Airlines" or "British Airways".
"Fiat (FIAT)" is Italian and four initials are derived from "Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino". The place name "Torino" is at the end of the word.
"La Foret Harajuku" is a combination of Harajuku and La Foret (Forest) in French. Was it conscious of French, the place name of Harajuku was located at the end of the word.
EST of "LUMINE EST" means French in the East. I am qualifying the fashion building called Lumine from behind.
"THERMAE ROMAE" means Latin "THERMAE (bathhouse) + ROMAE (Roman)". Manga works in which ancient Roman baths and contemporary Japanese baths intersect have been made into a movie, and it has become quite a hot topic.
The major league in the United States becomes "place name + team name" with Texas Rangers, Seattle Mariners, New York Yankees, while Serie A in Italy is AC Milan, SSC Napoli, AS Roma "team name + place name" It will be due to the difference in English and Italian grammar. The relation between modifier and modifier is opposite.
◆ Three words mentioned in the title
"Dandelion" means dandelion in English. However, the etymology comes from French and the word "dent (tooth) + de (to) + lion (lion)".
"Panna Cotta" is Italian and means "Panna (cream) + cotta (cooked)". Italian dessert with fresh cream. "Eau de Cologne" is a perfume meaning "eau (water) + de (of Cologne (Cologne)" in French. It was the origin of the name that was first made in Cologne, Germany in 1709.
· "Rio de Janeiro" means Portuguese "Rio (river) + de (of) + Janeiro (January)".
· "Cabo Verde" means Portuguese "Cabo (Cape) + Verde (Green)".
· "Khmer Rouge" means "Khmer (Khmer) + Rouge (red)" in French.
◆ In the field?
The tourist information is also in French, "Office de tourisme", in French fries and "Papa Frita" in Spanish, the word order is reversed. Focusing on how to use these modifiers, language acquisition abroad will be improved.
"Spanish" "Carne Higado" means "Carne (meat) + Higado (liver)". When ordering, lever steak came out.
"Banco de la Nacion" in Spanish is National Bank if it is Japanese, National Bank in English.
"Spanish" "Zapato Amarillo" means "Zapato (shoes) + Amarillo (yellow)".
"Spanish" "Pantera Negra" means "Pantera (panther) + Negra (black)".
"French" Croix-Rouge "means" Red Cross "with" Croix + Rouge ". Because it is "Red Cross" in English, the word order was reversed.
With this kind of feeling, the words we use have a hidden meaning.
The word "deluxe" used in the sense of luxury is also the French word de luxe. From that, Matsuko Deluxe, "Downtown DX","Star Kirby Super Deluxe"And how we use it at the end of a noun somewhat conforms to French and I do not feel wrong.
(Sentence / photo: Takuya S. Narou Charriderman
Cycling around the world for a bicyclehttp://shuutak.com
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