"Dark Gold Ushima-kun" Drama New series and movie version will be produced and released

TV drama "Dark Gold Ushima-kun" starring Takayuki Yamada starred in 2010The second season of "Dark Gold Ushima-kun Season 2" was produced and it became clear that it will be broadcast from January 2014. At the same time, in May 2014, we also decided to release theatrical version "Dark Gold Ushima-kun Part 2".

"Dark Gold Ushima-kun 2" Official Site

"Dark Gold Ushima-kun" is a manga serialized in Big Comic Spirits since 2004, the author is Masanpei Manabe. As the title suggests, the hero Kasajima Kaoru (Ushima-kun) is a dark-money dealer who lends money with an interest rate of 50% on 10th, and still in the work, when he came to borrow money, he fell into darkness It depicts social problems which people and surrounding people.

Cast is basically a continuation, the role of Ushima is Takayuki Yamada, the employee of the former host, Tadashi Takada is Oki Sakimoto, Company No. 2 · Mr. Tadashi Takeaki. In addition, Tsuyoshi Ayano with friendship with Yamada Takayuki plays a newly emerging information shop and Shihama role. Besides this, Irie, Ikuhei Takeda, Mai Sasaki and Masaru Sakura are decided.

One scene in production, Ushima-kun (Yamada Takayuki) and Shaoya (Ayano Tsuyoshi).

In addition to this work, Mr. Yamada Masatoshi who produces drama series "Naniwa Financial Road" series, "Kabachitare!", Movie "Kaiji" series, etc. is directed and produced. In Season 2, the original "Gay Kun" edition · "Freeter Kun" edition · "Paradise kun" edition · "Former host Kun" edition is drawn.

Starting on January 6, 2014, the drama starts broadcasting at midnight frames other than MBS · TBS. It is 9 times in all.

Also, in May 2014 after the end of the drama, the film 'Ugishima Ushima-kun Part 2' is also released. Ayano actor Miyake will appear in the movie as well.

© 2014 Shinpei Manabe · Shogakkan / Movie "Dark Gold Ushima-kun 2" Production Committee

in Note,   Movie,   Manga, Posted by logc_nt