I went to eat MacDonald's autumn / winter standard product "Gracoro" in the 20th year of release

Speaking of Gracoro, it is a classic menu of McDonald's autumn / winter that will celebrate 20 years since its launch this year. In AugustRika HaradaThe president retires and newlySarah CasanovaAlthough the president took office, this menu will continue without disappearance and sales began this year from Friday, October 25, so I went to McDonald's and ate it.

Gracoro / Demi-cheese Gravolo | Campaign | McDonald's

Arrived at McDonald's.

Gracoro is an abbreviation for gratin croquette, but no longer explains such a thing, but a poster written simply as "Gracoro" appeals new products.

The interior of the store after lunch was crowded. I will line up at the cash register.

Discover Demi Cheese Gracoro and Gracoro in the center of the menu. I decided to order it.

Wait a couple of minutes next to the cashier to receive the Graco and Demi Cheese Grill. Cabbage gratin croquette is printed on the wrapping paper of the gracoro, and you can check the picture of demiglace sauce and cheese on the wrapping paper of demi Cheese crag.

When opening it is like this. The price of the gracoro is 340 yen including tax (310 yen ~ 370 yen depending on the area), Demi cheesecloro is 370 yen including tax (340 yen ~ 400 yen by region).The initial price of the Gracolo in 1993 was 320 yenBecause it was,Great variation like a moonburger burgerIt does not seem to be.

Taking each of the upper buns, you can see croquette sauce in the grass and demiglace sauce and cheddar cheese in the demi cheese crust.

Both the Gracoro and Demi-Chez Grigoro are made similarly, and are made up of gratin croquette, cabbage and egg sauce.

I decided to eat from the graco.

Steamed raised buns have a soft texture, while gratin croquettes are crispy, while contents are cream sauce to eat together in a trout, it is an interesting texture. With plenty of flour, the white sauce of Trotoro is salted down to saltiness. On the other hand, the acid taste felt from the egg sauce on the lower buns is disproportionate in this, and I feel that I have lost the whole taste clump.

There are macaroni in the croquette, the clothes of buns · croquette · white sauce · macaroni and those using flour overlap,glutenTankodoni.

Shrimp should be contained in the gratin croquette, but it could not be confirmed until the end.

I will eat a demi-cheese gruelo.

Desmoglegrass sauce is richly sweet, although there is richness, leaving a taste unpleasant to her mouth. Regardless of the addition of demiglace sauce and cheese rich, the sauce is totally sweet, so the overall taste is good.

From the demiglace sauce you can also feel the taste of ground meat and tomato, but the sweetness stands unnaturally in the burger.

A small shrimp could be confirmed in the gratin croquette of Demi cheese gruelo.Teraya abolished the top bowl of rice · shrimp heaven sobaAs I said, the price of shrimp is rising recently, so it may be that the amount of shrimp is also decreasing.

Also selling for a limited time with Gracoro / Demi-Chez Grigoro. Because there are not many hamburgers with croquettes used, it is recommended for people who like carbohydrate x carbohydrate combination.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log