Lotteria's "creamy shrimp gratin burgers" are better than graco

Speaking of hamburgers using gratin, McDonald's will sell for a limited time every autumn / winter seasonGracoAlthough it is a long-selling item, Lotteria also used shrimp gratin "Creamy prawns gratin burgersWe will sell it from Thursday, November 7. While using raw materials like the Gracoro, I used Hokkaido onions and wheat flour, and used a specialized hash sauce and it seemed more delicious than Graco, so I went to eat.

~ From Lotteria, a burger of shrimp gratin for winter appears! ~ "Creamy Shrimp Gratin Burger" Limited release from November 7, 2013 (Thursday)! It is!

Arrived at Lotteria.

At the shop also appeal the sale of creamy shrimp gratin burger.

I will place an order at the store at once.

The menu was also switched to a creamy shrimp gratin burger.

Because of fried foods, a creamy shrimp gratin burger (340 yen including tax) arrived waiting for about 5 minutes.

"As contents are getting hot, please take care and eat".

When opening it is like this. It seems that the same thing as ordinary hamburger is used for buns.

Take the upper buns and you can check the hash sauce.

The hash sauce contains fried onions and mushrooms, which are characterized by a refreshing tomato sour taste and beef taste.

Under the croquette with creamy shrimp gratin is only cabbage, nothing like mayonnaise, in particular, is not included.

Size feeling is not big and small compared with ordinary hamburgers. I will eat it.

Good taste of crispy clothes made of crunchy and sour taste of Demi Sauce, crispy made from bread flour made from Hokkaido flour. The white cream sauce is also smooth without flour entering too much. Neither sauce nor croquette is rich in seasoning, but it is a pleasant place to eat refreshing thanks to cabbage.

The taste of demi-saus is also the key of Burger, complementing the taste of creamy shrimp gratin. The texture and umami of the mushrooms are also good.

There is not a lot of shrimp contained like shrimp burger of Lotteria, but you can also see small shrimp. An accent that you can enjoy a crisp texture made with prepuri.

Gratin 's white cream sauce was felt creamy in Trotoro than McDonald' s Gracoro. Even though you take the quality of clothing and the taste of sauce, creamy shrimp gratin barger seems to be higher quality than graco.

Creamy shrimp shrimp gratin burger is limited time sale up to the beginning of December at 340 yen including tax. The price of McDonald 's Gracoro is 310 yen ~ 370 yen including tax, and there is no big difference in price, so if you eat and compare it, the difference will be more clearly understood.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log