11 reasons for drinking coffee, such as depression and declining risk of suicide · Improved exercise capacity


Coffee is a very popular drink worldwide, and among Americans over the age of 18More than 54% are drinking coffee everydayThat's right.If you keep drinking more than 4 cups per day there is a possibility of premature deathAlthough it is pointed out that coffee is also healthy benefits obtained by drinking,HuffintonpostBut"11 reasons to drink coffee"We publish it as.

11 Reasons Why You Should Drink Coffee Every Day

◆ 01: ingestion of antioxidant substances

By2day 929

In 2005Survey results released by American Chemical SocietyAccording to the fact that antioxidants that are said to also prevent aging are included in coffee, the amount is larger than those contained in vegetables and fruits.

◆ 02: Reduced stress from sleep deprivation

ByAdrian Sampson

Seoul National UniversityAfter the team of researchers sniffed the scent of coffee in rats with stress accumulated due to lack of sleepI examined the state of the brainHowever, it is known that a protein containing an antioxidant, which acts to protect neurons from damage caused by excessive stress, was secreted.

◆ 03: Reduce the symptoms of Parkinson's disease

ByHeather buckley

Dr. Ronald Postuma, MD, said, "Caffeine in coffee has the effect of alleviating symptoms of Parkinson's disease"Contents papersWe announced in 2012.

◆ 04: Reduction of the risk of liver cirrhosis by alcohol

ByDavid Blackwell.

Arthur L. Klatsky, MD,Surveyed to 125,000 adults over 22 years oldAs a result, we found that at least one cup of coffee a day has about 20% lower incidence of liver cirrhosis caused by overdose of alcohol than those who do not drink at all. Also,Another studyIf you take more than 4 cups of coffee a day,Nonalcoholic fatty liverIt is found that the probability of developing onset is lower.

◆ 05: Hard to become depressed

ByMichaël Korchia

People drinking 4 or more cups of coffee per day will be about 10% less likely to become depressed than people who have never drank coffee,The National Institutes of HealthI understand from the research of. Dr. Honglei Chen who led the research"It is not caffeine contained in coffee, but antioxidant substance is the main reason".

◆ 06: Risk of suicide reduced


Harvard Public Health CollegeAccording to the research team, the intake of 2 to 4 cups of coffee a day is adultAction to reduce the risk of suicide by about 50%There areSerotonin,DopamineandNoradrenalinIt seems to be because coffee has an action to secrete a neurotransmitter such as.

◆ 07: Women become less likely to develop skin cancer

ByShandi-lee Cox

Women who drink coffee for 3 cups or more per day have a lower risk of developing skin cancer than those who do not drink,Brigham and Women's HospitalWhenHarvard Medical SchoolofJoint researchTurned out.

◆ 08: Improve exercise capacity

ByRob Annis

It is known that caffeine contained in coffee has the effect of increasing the numerical value of fatty acid which is the energy source for exercising muscles, and it is known that professional athletes, especially marathons and cycling etc., have endurance Be requiredPopular drink among sports playersIt is said that.

◆ 09: Reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes


Research of American Chemical SocietyTherefore, it has been found that if you drink more than 4 cups of coffee per day, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is reduced by 50%. Components contained in coffee cause type 2 diabetesHuman islet amyloid polypeptideIt is said that it has an action to suppress toxic aggregation.

◆ 10: It is difficult to develop Alzheimer's disease

ByVince Alongi

University of South FloridaWhenUniversity of MiamiThe joint research team ofI examined the blood of people over 65 years oldHowever, those who have a lot of caffeine in the blood found that the onset of Alzheimer's disease is 2-5 years later than those with low levels of caffeine in the blood. Dr. Chuanhai Cao, who led the research, said, "Although ingestion of coffee will not completely prevent Alzheimers, it should be possible to lower or delay the chances of onset,"ScienceDaily's interviewI am talking with you.

◆ 11: Increase of intellectual function

ByRyan Ritchie

American Military Environmental Medicine LaboratoryHarris Lieberman, a psychologist, said that improving intellectual functions such as reaction speed, attention, and logical thinking will improve when you drink coffee when you are in a lack of sleepiness.CNN interviewI am replying.

in Science,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log