Interface design · easy to use website to learn from mother

It is a wonderful sight for children to teach how to use to mothers who are not good at the Internet, but it is quite difficult. By designing such a mother so that one website can be used, there is summarized how to make a user interface easy to use for everyone.

Designing User Interfaces for Your Mother - Design / UX - Medium

◆ Interface design for mothers
Tony Jaines, a web designer, often seems to be anxiously asked from his mother that "Do you mind seeing the computer for a while? She uses the Internet, but she does not know everything. So Mr. Jines thinks that there are users at the same level as millions of mothers around the world, and with reference to mother's doubts, to design a user interface that anyone can use for mom and all users I started.

◆ Mothers do not use different browsers

My mother likes Internet Explorer. Previously Mr. Jainz installed Google Chrome on his mother's PC, but since I knew the position and operation method of the icon, I returned to IE which I used to use for a long time. Even if you are familiar with browsers, it is hard to feel stress even if useless toolbars are installed without permission, but in unfamiliar browsing, even if you look at the same page it will accelerate stress.

· If you are using a browser that is difficult for users to use, the bad impression is directed to the website, so you need to think about interface design in all browsers.

◆ Mothers do not understand the function of the website

Jane's mother can share photos on Facebook,NSA(National Security Agency of the United States of America) and their families, but after sharing photos on Facebook, I will send all pictures to my son by e-mail. Google+ was even more unfriendly interface, so I could not upload photos. There seems to be a difference depending on the interface even for websites with similar functions.

· Visual hints and words are added to the process that the user does and design so that anyone can use the website function exactly.

◆ Icon Everyone Icons

Anyone using a PC knows that "floppy icon" will "save". However, I do not know what the icon means unless I know the floppies themselves. When Mr. Jin's told his mother that the "trash can" icon and "x" icon will delete, it was asked, "Why just did not write" deletion "?" I thought it was natural I noticed that there is room for improvement even with icons.

· The icon is a small interface that makes it easy to use the website at a glance, but if the icon is difficult for the user to understand,Text using iconIt is effective.

◆ Mother is not a power user

Mr. Jain taught to her mother that "copy and paste" is "ctrl + C and ctrl + V" many times, but she can not remember. I also bought an iPhone for her, but I'm using it for checking texts, phone calls and e-mails without trying to use many apps, press the Home button to receive e-mail You can not check that you can check e-mail just by "swiping down" just by closing the application and opening the application again.

· Telling users that you can understand how to make things faster by not having to decide that all visiting users can handle simple shortcut keys leads to acquiring new users.

◆ Mother does not care about click count

Websites that make us click many times in vain are tiring, but Mr. Jane's mother feels uneasy about the page that needs to input a lot on one page rather than the number of clicks, and if the son is not there, the process I can not proceed.

· "Simple design" is not a reduction of design, it can be a handicap for users to put everything together to make a "simple page". Splitting one form into four items can give users peace of mind.

◆ make me want to visit my mother again

Jane's mother's Internet usage is "Payment of utility fee etc"Netflix(Online DVD service) viewing"Contact with grandchildrenThree. Online bank has not changed the interface for seven years, Netflix maintains an easy-to-use interface. But since Facebook changes the interface every two months, even if a mother tries to see the grandchild's growth with photos, it will not know the icons and operation methods I remembered and the connection rate to Facebook will be low.

· The drastic change in the interface recognizes that the user learns all the links and menus again and causes frustration.

in Note,   Web Service,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log